PLOTIT! Rock Solid, Batch Plotting for IntelliCAD

Attention IntelliCAD Users,Mc2 & Associates is offering unlimited user, PLOTIT site licenses, for $500 until April 15th, 2001. This is a one time introductory offer for IntelliCAD users only. This offer includes a 30 Day money back guarantee.PLOTIT V7.15, the most powerful batch plotting software available, new features:1. IntelliCAD 98/2000 compatibility.2. Coordinated list ordering, copies, and collate options.3. Layer manager support for AutoCAD R13-2000I and all versions of IntelliCAD.4. Many Other improvements in functionality and compatibility.PLOTIT! The answer to all your plotting needs! PLOTIT! is a comprehensive plotting system designed to take ALL the work out of plotting. Not only can PLOTIT! batch plot, collate, make multiple copies, and track plots, it sets layer settings, layout/space, extents, viewports, views, runs Lisp/Ads applications, and stamps drawings, all prior to plotting each drawing! After all, if you have to open each drawing and set it up to be plotted, like most batch plotting software, why not PLOTIT!Download: Lee TowneMc2 & Associates1649 N. Warren Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. 53202Phone: 414-807-8310Fax: 414-276-5504Web: