Selection set problem

Is there any variable which controls the deselecting of objects when selected again in grips mode.I had selected few objects and grips appeared in the selected objects,i again selected few other objects then the previously selected objects got deselected.This will not such in autocad.How to control this behaviour.RegardsSri


  • The PICKADD variable controls whether picked entities replace any existing selection set, or modify it, but I'm in doubt if this is what you are looking for.BricsCad behaves different from AutoCad for entity selection/deselection. This was discussed at length in a thread here titled Entity Selection Bug posted by Raam in december 2004.The conclusion was that it would be better to modify selection behaviour so that clicking an entity always selects it, while shift click would always deselect.Meanwhile this modification has not yet been made, we plan to implement it later this year (the modification looks simple on the surface, but has its side effects)

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