How do I load CTB files in ver. 6?
In the window: "Print/Configuration tab/ Plot Style table" my CTB files don't show. Where did they go? How can I get them back?
Are you sure it should show CTB files? Maybe the drawing you are trying to print uses a STB plot style policy and hence the drop-downlist only shows .STB files (no CTB's).To know what plot style policy is assigned to the current drawing type PSTYLEMODE at the command line.: pstylemodePSTYLEMODE = 1 (read only)meaning: 0= current DWG uses STB, 1 = current DWG uses CTB.See also Knowledge Base: BricsCad on-line Help:Converting a drawing from .STB to .CTB file typeUserGuide/Formatting and printing drawings/Printing or plotting your drawing/Plot Styles/Converting drawings
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Apparently, as the plot styles are stored in the drawing, when I bring in a drawing from SketchUp, my CTB files are not in there.An easy work-around is to copy the imported drawing into any other drawing (or template) that has the CTB files in it.VM