program crash

LS,It happens quite often that bricscad crashes due to an unhandled exeptionwhile i am altering the dimension setting.The program feezes and wine goesinto debug mode. I am not sure if this is related to my wine version. I am using CENTOS 3 ( RHEL 3) with the wine version wine-20050519-1wbel3winehq, Wich is build on WhiteBox Linux but should be compatible with other RHEL 3 clones.Regards,Henk Jan


  • LS,I stille have program crashes when altering the dimension settings.It happens when i try to access the tolerance or the units tab.I am moving to another Linux version soon maybe this will change.Regards,Henk Jan

  • I doubt if the crash has anything to do with the linux version. We're investigating this problem. We haven't reproduced the crash yet.

  • I can send you a drawing in wich it occurs frequently if you want.Regards,Henk Jan Barendregt

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