Batch Conversions

Does anyone have a routine for batch conversions of drawings to a previous Acad version? I have to share files with a consultant who has Acad 12 and I currently have to convert each drawing individually. A routine that would automate this would be very helpful. Any help would be appreciated.David Ludwig


  • you can find a very good conversion-program at

  • I wrote this simple lisp to batch-convert drawings to R12:Note that this routine saves drawings as R12 - copy files first if you want to keep existing version.The routine requires DosLib for multiple file selection. A copy can be found here: is a good idea to have doslib load automatically with each drawing. Put doslib4.dll in your Icad directory, and this line in your Icad.lsp file: (xload "doslib4.dll").(defun c:r12 ( / fsel path files dwg)(if (not dos_regset) (xload "doslib4.dll"))(setq fsel (dos_getfilem "Select Files to save as R12" (getvar "dwgprefix") "Drawing Files (.DWG)|.DWG"))(setq path (car fsel))(setq files (cdr fsel))(setvar "FILEDIA" 0)(foreach item files(setq dwg (strcat path item ))(command ".open" dwg)(command ".saveas" "R12" "" "Y")(command ".close"))(setvar "FILEDIA" 1))

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