Double-clicking DWG - DXF in explorer

I encounter behaviour of BricsCad that I don't understand. If I double-click a DWG file in the Windows Explorer no new copy of Bricscad is created (or the first copy, if BricsCad was not yet running). But if I double-click on a DXF file then BricsCad always loads the DXF in an new copy of itself. I believe accepting default values while installing, if I remember well, and strangly enough the startup routines in registered with Windows (XP PRO SP2), are identical for both extentions: "C:\Program Files\BricsCad\BricsCad\icad.exe" "%1"Is there a way to controll this?Gerrit


  • You can right click in the explorer, or maybe Ctrl + Right click te first time,. Then you have the option "Open in" or "Open with". You can then choose a program and Explorer "remembers" this. This is very useful if you have several programs that can open dwg files.

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