fedora 5 install

I just installed B4L on fedora core 5. It installed with WINE. Now I can't figure out where to go to get it started. How do I start Bricscad? The install was on a fresh copy vanilla of fc5. The install downloaded the WINE.Thanks


  • I was given the option to create a desktop icon IIRC, but /opt/bricscad/icadshould start bricscad

  • Thanks, Andy, but my /opt folder does not have a /bricscad subfolder.I tried to reinstall bricscad, but the software said it was already installed. :(

  • No idea where it could be then.Can you run 'find' or 'locate' for icad?

  • Have same experience when instaling B4L 6 on SuSe 10.1Solved it by downgrading wine from the one included on B4L CD (9.18) to 9.15 and lower.The difference is the icon is there but when clicked NOTHING happened.

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