Importing Acad 2006 DWG with Dynamic Blocks

I am considering using AutoCAD's Dynamic Blocks (in version 2006) for a company which also uses Bricscad. I am wondering how BricsCAD v6 handles them. I've searched the knowledge base, and the discussions here, but there is no reference to dynamic blocks.Is there a list somewhere of what AutoCAD enties BricsCAD doesn't support?Joe Dunfee


  • We have no support yet for new entities that have been added in AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD 2006. The proxy mechanism handles unsupported entities. The same mechanism is used when you save custom entities or objects, or when you save to an older dwg format. Eg, a hatch entity will become a proxy when you save to R14.There are two ways to display proxies- show their boundingboxes.- show their cached graphics if they contain such data.At the moment we have a rudimentary support for these two display features. We intend to improve on proxy display in the near future. Support for dynamic blocks is on our list, but it will not become available before the second half of 2007.Alexander Van HeuverzwynBricscad

  • Thank you very much for the detailed reply. That helps me a lot in planning for our company.I think this kind of open discussion about their product is rare among software companies. It is greatly appreciated.Joe Dunfee

  • We have done a lot of experimenting with dynamic blocks in AutoCAD 2006. There are a lot of problems/bugs with them. Most that we experienced related to the location of attributes when the blocks are scaled and rotated. Alignment parameters are also are problematic.My advice would be, "do not waste your time".

  • How do I set the command to show at least the boundries?Bounding boxes?

  • Is there any more progress on Dynamic Blocks? It's well past the second half of 2007.

  • Is there any more progress on Dynamic Blocks?

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