Toolbar reset causes a menu bug?

Hello!It seems that when I reset toolbars, after the SECOND restart of BricsCad (version 6.2.0024), WITHOUT do anything , nor menu or toolbars touch, during this restarts, the meniu is crashing.. It happend only to me?Ioan


  • Can you reproduce this problem systematically? Does the crash recur on the third run?The logic of the system is, that on the next session after reset, extra menus are loaded again and written to the registry.The sessions after that the menus are loaded from the registry instead of from the file.We deliver one menu that is loaded that way: 'bonus.mnu'.So the second run after reset is slightly different from the first run after reset.In tracking down the problem the first thing I would try if the crash persists if you disable all additional menus, those include bonus.mnu and any other menus you load.Bonus menu is loaded in icadbrx.lspkind regards,Alexander Van Heuverzwyn

  • So.. I have two computers, both working with 6.2.0024 Bricscad Pro version and Xp with SP2 update. On both occurs the same bug describe more detailed below:First session - start a normal Bricscad working session- don’t do anything, just customize-> toolbars-> reset- close BricsCad application - restart BricsCad software Second session- Verifying menu... Seems to be ok!- Just restart BricscadThird session- Verifying menu... menu crash!Observations:- no custom menu load in this time, only BricsCad default toolbars and menu- some times, but I can’t exemplify, the hole menu is crashing (you have to taste it opening and closing BricsCad more than 2-3 times)- I’m not sure how to do, but I can not work in the same time with a menu and a toolbar associated (putting in the same .mnu file) after the second restart (it working only with menu, or only with toolbar, not both in the same time – possible from the bug described)- it seems that when I comment (as you suggest) icadbrx.lsp load line from icad.lsp, this bug with menu crash not happened, but this solution is not acceptable from a developer point of view !

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