Lisp help !

I'm using this LISP extensivly to explode blocks and maintain them in the layers where I've placed them. I have nested blocks that I sometimes want to explode inte the layer they are placed. This work brilliantly except it will not accept mirrored blocks.Maybe someone could have a look at it if it could easily be fixed.Propably a few other will have use for it as it is.Patrik;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------;;;; XPLODE.LSP ;;; Copyright (C) 1990 by Autodesk, Inc.;;; ;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided;;; that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that;;; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting;;; documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or;;; implied warranty.;;;;;; Jan S. Yoder & K.C. Jones Version 1.0 ;;;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------;;;; DESCRIPTION;;;;;;;;; This is a replacement for the EXPLODE command in AutoCAD. It allows;;; you to control all of the attributes of the comonent entities of a;;; block or set of blocks while exploding them. There are several major;;; differences between XPlode and the EXPLODE command in AutoCAD.;;; ;;; First, you can select as many entities as you wish; all dimensions,;;; polyline and polymeshes, and block insertions will be extracted from;;; your selection set, and you will be asked to XPlode them either;;; globally or individually. If you chose to explode them globally, you;;; will see the following prompt for all of the candidate entities:;;; ;;; All/Color/LAyer/LType/Inherit from parent block/: ;;; ;;; If, on the other hand, you elect to operate on them individually, you;;; will need to make a selection from this prompt for each entity.;;; ;;; Second, the EXPLODE command in AutoCAD does not allow you to specify;;; any of the attributes for the component entities when you explode a;;; block. Nor does it allow you to let the component entities inherit;;; the attributes of the parent block.;;; ;;; ;;; ALL;;; ;;; This option allows you to specify a color, linetype, and layer for the;;; new entities.;;; ;;; COLOR;;; ;;; This option prompts you for a new color for the component entities.;;; ;;; New color for exploded entities.;;; Red/Yellow/Green/Cyan/Blue/Magenta/White/BYLayer/BYBlock/:;;; ;;; You may enter any color number from 1 through 255, or one of the ;;; standard color names listed. "Cecolor" is the current entity color;;; from the CECOLOR system variable.;;; ;;; LAYER;;; ;;; This option prompts you to enter the name of the layer on which you ;;; want the component entities to be placed.;;; ;;; XPlode onto what layer? :;;; ;;; The layer name entered is verified and if it does not exist you are;;; reprompted for a layer name. Pressing RETURN causes the current ;;; layer to be used.;;; ;;; LTYPE;;; ;;; This option lists all of the loaded linetypes in the current drawing,;;; and prompts you to choose one of them. You must type the entire ;;; linetype name (sorry), or you may press RETURN to use the current one.;;; ;;; Choose from the following list of linetypes.;;; CONTinuous/...others.../:;;; ;;; INHERIT;;; ;;; Inherit from parent block means that the attributes of the block;;; being XPloded will be the attributes of component entities. No other;;; choices are required.;;; ;;; EXPLODE;;; ;;; This option issues the current EXPLODE command for each of the entities;;; in the selection set.;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------;;;; ------------------------ INTERNAL ERROR HANDLER --------------------------;(defun xp_err (s) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs ;; while this command is active... (if (/= s "Function cancelled") (princ (strcat "\nError: " s)) ) (if xp_oce (setvar "cmdecho" xp_oce)) ; restore old cmdecho value (setq error olderr) ; restore old error handler (princ)) ;;; ---------------------------- COMMON FUNCTION -----------------------------;(defun xp_val (n e f) (if f ; if f then e is an entity list. (cdr (assoc n e)) (cdr (assoc n (entget e))) )) ;;; ------------------------- GET ENTITY TO EXPLODE --------------------------;;;; ---------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM --------------------------------;(defun explode ( / oce ohl e0 en e1 s0) ;; Version number. Reset this local if you make a change. (setq xp_ver "1.00a") (setq xp_oer error error xp_err) (setq xp_oce (getvar "cmdecho")) ; save value of cmdecho (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; turn cmdecho off (graphscr) (princ (strcat "\nXPlode, Version " xp_ver ", (c) 1990 by Autodesk, Inc. ")) (princ "\nSelect entities to XPlode. ") (setq ss (ssget)) (if ss (progn ;; Sort out any entities not explodeable... (setq ss (xp_sxe)) ; DLine_Sort_Xplodable_Entities ;; XPlode Individually or Globally? (if (> (sslength ss) 0) (progn (if (> (sslength ss) 1) (progn (initget "Individually Globally") (setq ans (getkword "\n\nXPlode Individually/: ")) ) (setq ans "Globally") ) (cond ((= ans "Individually") (setq sslen (sslength ss) j 0 ) (while (< j sslen) (setq temp (ssname ss j) prmpt T ) (redraw temp 3) (setq typ (xp_gxt)) (xp_xpe temp typ) (redraw temp 4) (setq j (1+ j)) ) ) (T (setq sslen (sslength ss) j 0 ans "Globally" prmpt T ) (setq typ (xp_gxt)) (while (< j sslen) (setq temp (ssname ss j)) (xp_xpe temp typ) (setq j (1+ j)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if xp_oce (setvar "cmdecho" xp_oce)) ; restore old cmdecho value (setq error xp_err) ; restore old error handler (prin1)) ;;;;;; Sort out all of the entities which can be exploded from the selection;;; set. Also ensure that block insertions have equal X, Y and Z scale factors.;;;;;; xp_sxe == DLine_Sort_Xplodable_Entities;;;(defun xp_sxe (/ temp bad) (setq sslen (sslength ss) j 0 ss1 (ssadd) ) (while (< j sslen) (setq temp (ssname ss j)) (setq j (1+ j)) (if (member (xp_val 0 temp nil) '("INSERT" "DIMENSION" "POLYLINE")) (if (= (xp_val 0 temp nil) "INSERT") (if (and (= (xp_val 41 temp nil) (xp_val 42 temp nil)) (= (xp_val 41 temp nil) (xp_val 43 temp nil)) ) (ssadd temp ss1) ) (ssadd temp ss1) ) ) ) (setq sslen (sslength ss) bad (sslength ss1) ) (princ "\n") (princ sslen) (princ " entities found. ") (if (> (- sslen bad) 0) (progn (princ (- sslen bad)) (princ " invalid. ") ) ) ss1);;;;;; Set the type of explode to do.;;;;;; xp_gxt == XPlode_Get_Xplode_Type;;;(defun xp_gxt (/ temp) (initget "All Color LAyer LType Inherit Explode") (setq temp (getkword "\n\nAll/Color/LAyer/LType/Inherit from parent block/: ")) (if (or (= temp "") (null temp)) (setq temp "Explode") ) temp);;;;;; Do the explosion of an entity.;;;;;; xp_xpe == XPlode_XPlode_Entity;;;(defun xp_xpe (ent typ / ) (cond ((= typ "All") (if prmpt (progn (setq color (xp_scn)) (setq ltype (xp_slt)) (setq layer (xp_sla)) (setq prmpt nil) ) ) (xp_xfa) (if (or (= ans "Individually") (= j (1- sslen))) (progn (if (and (> sslen 1) (= ans "Globally")) (princ "\nEntities ") (princ "\nEntity ") ) (princ (strcat "exploded with color of " (if (= (type color) 'INT) (itoa color) color) ", " "linetype of " ltype ", " "and layer " layer ".")) ) ) ) ((= typ "Color") (if prmpt (progn (setq color (xp_scn)) (setq ltype (getvar "celtype")) (setq layer (getvar "clayer")) (setq prmpt nil) ) ) (xp_xfa) (if (or (= ans "Individually") (= j (1- sslen))) (progn (if (and (> sslen 1) (= ans "Globally")) (princ "\nEntities ") (princ "\nEntity ") ) (princ (strcat "exploded with color of " (if (= (type color) 'INT) (itoa color) color) ".")) ) ) ) ((= typ "LAyer") (if prmpt (progn (setq color (getvar "cecolor")) (setq ltype (getvar "celtype")) (setq layer (xp_sla)) (setq prmpt nil) ) ) (xp_xfa) (if (or (= ans "Individually") (= j (1- sslen))) (progn (if (and (> sslen 1) (= ans "Globally")) (princ "\nEntities ") (princ "\nEntity ") ) (princ (strcat "exploded onto layer " layer ".")) ) ) ) ((= typ "LType") (if prmpt (progn (setq color (getvar "cecolor")) (setq ltype (xp_slt)) (setq layer (getvar "clayer")) (setq prmpt nil) ) ) (xp_xfa) (if (or (= ans "Individually") (= j (1- sslen))) (progn (if (and (> sslen 1) (= ans "Globally")) (princ "\nEntities ") (princ "\nEntity ") ) (princ (strcat "exploded with linetype of " ltype ".")) ) ) ) ((= typ "Inherit") (xp_iap ent) ) (T (command "explode" (xp_val -1 ent nil)) ) ));;;;;; Force the color, linetype and layer attributes after exploding.;;;;;; xp_xea == XPlode_Xplode_Force_All;;;(defun xp_xfa () (setq e0 (entlast)) (setq en (entnext e0)) (while (not (null en)) ; find the last entity (setq e0 en) (setq en (entnext e0)) ) (command "explode" (xp_val -1 ent nil)) ; explode the entity (setq s0 (ssadd)) (while (entnext e0) (ssadd (setq e0 (entnext e0)) s0 ) ) (command "chprop" s0 "" ; change entities to the proper layer "c" color ; color, and linetype, regardless "lt" ltype ; of their extrusion direction "la" layer "" ) );;;;;; Inherit attributes (if BYBLOCK) from parent.;;;;;; xp_iap == XPlode_Inherit_Attributes_from_Parent;;;(defun xp_iap (t1 / t1cl t1lt t1ly s0ly s0lt s0cl t0e) (setq t0 (entlast)) (setq tn (entnext t0)) (while (not (null tn)) ; find the last entity (setq t0 tn) (setq tn (entnext t0)) ) (setq t1cl (xp_val 62 t1 nil)) ; record the attributes of the block (setq t1lt (xp_val 6 t1 nil)) (setq t1ly (xp_val 8 t1 nil)) (command "explode" (xp_val -1 t1 nil)) ; explode the entity (setq s0ly (ssadd)) ; create nil selection sets for layer (setq s0lt (ssadd)) ; linetype and color changes (setq s0cl (ssadd)) (setq t0 (entnext t0)) (while t0 ; can exploded entities (setq t0e (entget t0)) ; and build selection sets (if (= (xp_val 62 t0e T) "BYBLOCK") (ssadd t0 s0cl)) (if (= (xp_val 6 t0e T) "BYBLOCK") (ssadd t0 s0lt)) (if (= (xp_val 8 t0e T) "0") (ssadd t0 s0ly)) (setq t0 (entnext t0)) ) (if (> (sslength s0cl) 0) ; is selection set non-nil... (command "chprop" s0cl "" ; Change exploded entities with color "co" t1cl "") ; BYBLOCK to color of old block ) (if (> (sslength s0lt) 0) (command "chprop" s0lt "" ; Change exploded entities with linetype "lt" t1lt "") ; BYBLOCK to linetype of old block ) (if (> (sslength s0ly) 0) (command "chprop" s0ly "" ; Change exploded entities with linetype "la" t1ly "") ; BYBLOCK to linetype of old block ) (if (or (= ans "Individually") (= j (1- sslen))) (progn (if (and (> sslen 1) (= ans "Globally")) (princ "\nEntities ") (princ "\nEntity ") ) (princ "exploded.") ) ));;;;;; Set the color for the exploded entities.;;;;;; xp_scn == XPlode_Set_Color_Number;;;(defun xp_scn () (setq arg 257) (while (> arg 256) (initget 2 "Red Yellow Green Cyan Blue Magenta White BYLayer BYBlock") (setq arg (getint (strcat "\n\nNew color for exploded entities. " "\nRed/Yellow/Green/Cyan/Blue/" "Magenta/White/BYLayer/BYBlock/<" (if (= (type (getvar "cecolor")) 'INT) (itoa (getvar "cecolor")) (getvar "cecolor") ) ">: "))) (cond ((= arg "BYBlock") (setq arg 0)) ((= arg "Red") (setq arg 1)) ((= arg "Yellow") (setq arg 2)) ((= arg "Green") (setq arg 3)) ((= arg "Cyan") (setq arg 4)) ((= arg "Blue") (setq arg 5)) ((= arg "Magenta") (setq arg 6)) ((= arg "White") (setq arg 7)) ((= arg "BYLayer") (setq arg 256)) (T (if (= (type arg) 'INT) (if (> arg 255) (progn (princ "\nColor number out of range 1 - 255. ") (setq arg 257) ; kludge ) ) (setq arg (if (= (type (setq arg (getvar "cecolor"))) 'INT) (getvar "cecolor") (cond ((= arg "BYBLOCK") (setq arg 0)) ((= arg "BYLAYER") (setq arg 256)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (cond ((= arg 0) (setq arg "BYBLOCK")) ((= arg 256) (setq arg "BYLAYER")) ) arg);;;;;; Set the linetype from the loaded linetypes.;;;;;; xp_slt == XPlode_Set_Line_Type;;;(defun xp_slt () (princ "\n\nChoose from the following list of linetypes. ") (tblnext "ltype" T) (setq xp_lta "CONTINUOUS,CONT BYLayer BYBlock" xp_ltb "BYBlock/BYLayer/CONTinuous") (while (setq xp_lt (cdr(assoc 2 (tblnext "ltype")))) (setq xp_lta (strcat xp_lta " " xp_lt) xp_ltb (strcat xp_ltb "/" xp_lt)) ) (initget xp_lta) (princ (strcat "\nEnter new linetype name. \n" xp_ltb "/<" (getvar "celtype") "> : ")) (setq xp_nln (getkword) ) (if (or (= xp_nln nil) (= xp_nln "")) (setq xp_nln (getvar "celtype")) ) xp_nln);;;;;; Set a layer if it exists.;;;;;; xp_sla == XPlode_Set_LAyer;;;(defun xp_sla (/ temp) (while (null temp) (initget 1) (setq temp (getstring (strcat "\n\nXPlode onto what layer? <" (getvar "clayer") ">: "))) (if (or (= temp "") (null temp)) (setq temp (getvar "clayer")) (if (not (tblsearch "layer" temp)) (progn (princ "\nInvalid layer name. ") (setq temp nil) ) ) ) ) temp);;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------;(defun c:xp () (explode))(defun c:xplode () (explode))(princ "\n\tC:XPlode loaded. Start command with XP or XPLODE.")(princ)


  • You can search the Lisp file until you get to the followinglines (about line 203), and comment out 7 lines using 5semicolons as shown below...(5, so you can find what youchanged at some later time..or just erase the 7 lines aftersaving the original under another name)....(while (< j sslen) (setq temp (ssname ss j)) (setq j (1+ j)) (if (member (xp_val 0 temp nil) '("INSERT" "DIMENSION" "POLYLINE")) ;;;;;(if (= (xp_val 0 temp nil) "INSERT") ;;;;;(if (and (= (xp_val 41 temp nil) (xp_val 42 temp nil)) ;;;;;(= (xp_val 41 temp nil) (xp_val 43 temp nil)) ;;;;;) ;;;;;(ssadd temp ss1) ;;;;;) (ssadd temp ss1) ;;;;;) ) ) (setq sslen (sslength ss) bad (sslength ss1).... This by-passes the check for unequally scaled blocks, (mirroredblocks are scaled -1 in some direction thus get disqualified).The program will now explode both unevenly scaled and mirroredblocks so the unevenly scaled ones will retain (if possible),their unevenly scaled shapes. For example unevenly scale blockscontaining circles will produce ellipses upon exploding.

  • THANK YOU !This saves me a lot of time.Patrik

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