selecting hatch areas

V.7 - When I try to select a hatch area, the prompt "select point for hatch area" merely reappears, and nothing happens.Sometimes, if I choose a boundary set, instead of the default, "everything visible", it will select the area - but not always. Then, if I go back to the bhatch window, the "select boundary set" tab is grayed out. It won't let me try that without restarting the whole hatch command again.


  • If you feel this problem only happens in a specific situation could you create a Support Request and add the relevent drawing to it so we can analyse this.

  • No, happens all the time. I have sent files in for analysis, and the reply was " we have no problem hatching".I still do.

  • No, happens all the time. I have sent files in for analysis, and the reply was " we have no problem hatching".I still do. By the way, why does the "select boundary set" tab go dormant when I acivate the "select area" tab? If the "select area doesn't work, I try to go back and select a boundary set, which SOMETIMES works. But I have to restart the whole hatch window to do this. It's cumbersome.

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