Overlap error
Hi everybody!A close friend has installed V 7.1 Pro in his PC and is experiencing this unusual error. The Overlap Error message box appears in a random fashion (i.e we were unable to detect a predictable pattern). It happens with almost any command and it has to be accepted twice or more times to have the command executed. Additionally, most of the times it will crash the machine. A sure fire way to have it appear is when accessing on-line help with F1.Quite annoying and disconcerting. Needless to say working with BricsCad is next to impossible. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any clues on how to fix it?Help is welcome and much appreciated!Hector
We do not know how this dialog appears. Does your friend use a spanish operating system? And does the error depend on the drawing or does it also happen in a new empty drawing?You could try narrowing down the problem with the following steps:- in windows control panel> software disable all but the core components of the Bricscad program.- in the Bricscad program folder rename icad.lsp and icad.sds.- Disable any tablet software.- then use the tools>UserProfileManager to start afresh with a new userprofile.After all this, the question is: does the error dialog still appear?kind regards,Alexander Van Heuverzwyn, Bricscad
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I guess I should have waited for this topic rather than unusual problem. Accessing help is indeed a sure fire way to crash the program. As stated before, mayne it is the Internet Explorer V7 that is causing the problem. This crash happens without fail, with drawing open, no drawing open, drawing-1 open. Going to help is the only time it crashes for me.... except when opening a drawing while there is no drawing open (drawing - 1), in which case the program shuts down without an error message. Tried repair - reinstall. Any suggestions.
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Thanks for the quick reply Alexander! Before we put your suggestions to the test, can you please specify exactly what should remain as the BC Core?And, yes, we all use a Spanish version of Windows XP which is the only one available in our country. The error occurs with any kind of drawing, new, created with BC, previously created with ACAD and, as stated, follows no predictable pattern. If anything, it looks Jerry Johnson describes it almost to the letter.
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Hi Hector.It means that you must disable other applications that are running on the machine at the same time as bricscad. for example, antivirus, media playeres, etc. (its better if you unplug fom the net before). This for isolate the problem. I agree with the IE comment.//Hola Hector. Eso significa que usted debe deshabilitar otras aplicaciones que esten corriendo al mismo tiempo que bricscad, pro ejemplo antivirus. es mejor desconectarse de la red antes de hacer esto. la idea es tratar de aislar el problema. Ayuda mucho saber el contexto para analizar que puede estar pasando: Version de windows, que service pack, que explorador de windows, etc. Estoy de acuerdo que existe la posibilidad que sea el IE7 si lo tiene instalado.AR
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I wish to inform all those who took the trouble to suggest a solution and provide help, that the whole problem has ben definitely solved. The culprit was indeed an Easypen tablet from Genius. Using Process Explorer it was discovered that the file WTNTEXE.EXE was creating a conflict with BricsCad. Disabling this file cured the ailment and apparently does not affect tablet operation at all. Many thanks again to you all and may this info serve to a good purpose should any other user run against a similar situation.Cheers!Hector