Cannot explode

I have a dwg file sent in by a customer that I need to be able to explode into separate entities to be able to load into and use in my NC program. Bricscad seems unable to do this but AutoCAD LT2000 has no problems with it. I'm hoping to phase out AutoCAD and use BricsCAD only. Any suggestions anyone ?The file can be found here: Cable Trunk.dwg


  • I had a look and the entities which will not explode are Regions. I have no experience with those, but they can't be Moved, Copied, Scaled... either. It's likely a lisp routine could draw a Polyline to match the (entget) coordinates then erase the Region. Sorry I can't offer anything more.

  • I've delt with this on AutoCAD LT'98, which couldn't explode regions. It was a two step process... first convert the region to a polyline (one of region's sub commands), then the polyline can be exploded.Joe Dunfee

  • There are 2 issues in V7 that are involved here: 1. selecting all entities and then applying explode will fail for region entities. They can be exploded by selecting them individually though.2. When exploding a region, fillet arcs will often be in the wrong position.Both these errors have been fixed in V8, scheduled for release in summer.

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