Program stability

I've put off upgrading to V8 to wait for most of the bugs to clear. Please give me your insightson what you've experienced so far and if it'sworthy to upgrade at this point.


  • I have experienced good stability, in terms of not crashing. However, there are two issues that are critical for me and are currently broken.When stretching an ordinate dimension, the value does not change (even though it is set to be an associative dimension).When inserting blocks using VBA, the angle is interpreted as radians, rather than degrees as it should. Editing properties of the block also used radians.Still, if there are no new features that you want, it can't hurt to wait to upgrade. Joe Dunfee

  • Same with me: stability has not to be an issue. I upgraded from V6 and experience significant improvements in the interface: This 'Entity Properties' toolbar actually works. And the new dockable 'Properties bar' that is really handy. I have encountered some problems too, reported these and crucial problems have are already been fixed.As we cannot decide for you 'if it's worthy to upgrade at this point' you should give it a try by downloading it as evaluation version. I believe your productivity is not at risk as you can install v8 beside your existing version of Bricscad, so if you do run into a improtant problem with v8 you can continue with your existing Bricscad version as backward compatibilty seems not to be an issue.Then I think you'll be upgrading before your 30 days are over...

  • Just a remark on Joe Dunfee's statement: " ...the angle is interpreted as radians, rather than degrees as it should. Editing properties of the block also used radians. "Inside the automation (COM) all angles are expressed in radians. In fact you'll find that in computer science, calculus, and most branches of mathematics, angles are universally expressed in radians. As a developper you have to performthe conversion to and from radians (you can use the 'Utility.AngleToReal' and Utility.AngleToString' methods respectively).

  • Ferdinand, thank you for your correction. I did try to find out if radians was used in VBA for AutoCAD, but it is not in the on-line reference. I have a hard-copy AutoCAD VBA reference, but it doesn't directly address the issue, nor is it in its index. Perhaps I need to find a downloadable book like this, so I can do searches.I did just now find one intriguing statement in a search. In the Google search summary, it said that methods use radians, while properties are in degrees. However, the link to that page didn't show the text because it required a password.This seems to imply that editing the properties of an object in VBA would take degrees. Obviously outside of VBA, editing the properties in BricsCAD should be in degrees (so that is still a bug). But, now armed with the knowledge that the "radians issue" won't be changed in future releases, I can continue my project.Joe Dunfee

  • Lisp also works in radians... in places. It has always been the same and always consistent with Autocad as well.

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