Insert block problem

Hello,For some blocks i've created and saved on HD, when i wish insert them, i don't see them in the little window of the dialog box of the command "insert block". And when i insert them in my drawing, i must do a zoom extent in order to see them.Louis wrote in this forum:"- after selecting the block or drawing and you hit the INSERT button on the INSERT BLOCK window, the block is attached to the cursor and moves dynamically. - when you click to define the insertion point, the drawing can be scaled dynamically - right click to insert the block at full scale - the block now rotates dynamically about its insertion point - click again to place the block or right click to insert the block a 0° rotation."I don't see nothing of all that when i insert blocksThx for help - RSTAS


  • The block must have been created away from its 0,0 point.If it is a separate drawing, open it and move all the entities from the point in relation to them which you want to use as insertion, to 0,0. Reinserting that block in another drawing will move all those blocks in relation to their insertion points.If the block is created within another drawing, insert one anywhere in the drawing, draw a temporary line from its Insertion point to nowhere in particular. Explode the block or Refedit it, move all the entities same as above replacing the end of your temporary line for 0,0. Recreate the block or close Refedit.

  • Yes it's true. I have succeeded in correcting some blocks.I will pay attention to the point 0,0,0 when i will create some others blocks.Thx - RSTAS

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