V8 context menus

Is there som way of disabling the right-click context menu in v8? I'm used to right-click in the drawing window always being treated as ENTER, but v8 forces a (mostly useless) popup unless a command is active. I find no setting to disable this popup.


  • This menu is controlled by the system variable SHORTCUTMENU. You can change this in the Settings dialog, under "Program Options/User Preferences/Shortcut menus". I think you have to un-check the first option : Default mode. (to quickly find a system variable in the settings dialog, type it in the "Find" edit field on top of the dialog)

  • Thank you! Just what I was looking for.

  • There's also the option to change what pops up, in Tools > Customize > Menus > Context Menus > DefaultFor me, the customizable context menu is a Godsend. I enter most commands from the keyboard via alias, so the two Enter keys and the space bar are always convenient. I use the right-click pop-up for commands I don't use often enough to remember an alias for, and never have to use a pull-down menu or keep any toolbars open except Entity Properties.

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