A Few More

I am very pleased with the latest version 2.20016c and I'd like tothank Bricsnet for the great effort. This brings me and others astep closer to abandoning some of the competing products that westill rely on for various things. I am starting to point friendsand associates at the product...whereas I had reservations aboutdoing that before.Despite the good progress, I feel compelled to report three glitchesthat still predominate in my work...The first is the random, stickycursor image that stays behind. Others have reported this and itpersists..even with zero hardware acceleration. There is no DWGdamage but it clearly disrupts one's focus. Icad is the only CADapplication that displays this problem on my system.The second is the lack of hardware-level support for a wheelmousezoom/pan feature as in AC and ACLT. Hardware-level meaning that wheelclicks by-pass the History mechanism and the Lisp engine, and arepurely transparent. A superb feature, once you've had a taste of it.The third is the Dragmode/Directed Distance misbehavior, as follows:For commands like LINE, COPY and MOVE the Directed Distance Entryfeature is a quick and easy method to make precise modifications.To test the misbehavior;1.) With DRAGMODE set to OFF.- enter the LINE command- pick the starting point- move the cursor slightly in the direction you want, (Ortho on or off..whatever you want).- enter a magnitude, say 100, on the keyboard- press Enter or Space Bar and you get a line 100 units long in the cursor-indicated direction.The same procedure works for MOVE and COPY...ie direction taken fromcursor movement and distance taken from a single key-in value.2.) With DRAGMODE set to AUTO the above functionality is disabled forall three commands as your entries are no longer accepted in the samemanner; but you have the bonus visual aide of a dynamically updatedimage ...you can see objects being dragged for MOVE and COPY, orrotated in the ROTATE command.3.) With DRAGMODE set to ON, object dragging is disabled, but itshouldn't be; and Directed Distance Entry is again functional.


  • A related problem occurs if you attempt to stretch a line using a grip selection and DDE (Direct Distance Entry). This will hang Intellicad. I completely agree with Risto it's time to fix the DDE functionality. I would trade dragging visibility for DDE anytime, but turning off dragmode causes another problem: the orthmode setting now overrides the running object snap - objects can only be moved orthogonally.BTW, the line command is not a good example, since DDE actually works with that command.

  • I personally dislike using the middle button (wheel or not) for zoom/pan alone. In my opinion, the Icad ctrl+shift method is superior to the Acad zoom/pan methods.

  • I tend to agree that the Ctrl+Shift+Button is better forzooming and panning in Icad than the present wheel zoomto the center of the screen. That forces a subsequentpan to navigate from focus to focus. The way AC & ACLTimpliment the wheel zoom causes the zoom (in or out) tooperate relative to the current cursor position. Thisgives you a zoom/pan effect solely by the rotation ofthe wheel during the simultaneous movement of the cursorto your next point of interest. You can leap-frog aboutyour drawing very quickly and accomplish accuratedimensioning or drawing snaps transparently; and withless keyboard or mouse activity. With AC/ACLT it tookabout a week or so for this wheelmouse zoom/pantechnique to become subconscious..at which point it freedup the attention and the key-in fingers for other tasks.It's hard to convey the utility of it to those that haven'thad a chance to work with it and become accustomed to it...which means applied time on AC or ACLT terminal. In anycase it will probably not receive top priority on thewish list.Thanks for the feedback..

  • About the mousewheel.Looks like CMS has implemented what you want.http://intellicadms.com/products/features.htmlMaybe it will be part of the source code soon.

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