Polyline Conflict btw V7 and V8

Hello,I was wondering if anyone else was having conflicts between users of V7 and V8 collaborating on the same projects. We have had consistent errors opening files in V8 that were created/worked on by users working in V7. The errors all say: "Object of class AcDb3dPolylineVertex can't be cast to AcDb2dVertex" If we RECOVER the drawing in V8 then all the entities created in V7 are lost.I have submitted a ticket for this, but as of yet we haven't had any luck.We are slowly trying to get everyone switched to V8, but haven't been able to switch the civil department because all the data will be lost.


  • I still like V7 much better.

  • So far, the only way around this issue is while in V7 to save the file as a 2000 ascii DXF, then open the dxf in V8 and then save it back to DWG.Needless to say, this is not the most efficient process. One would argue that if we made the plunge and just switched everyone to V8 then we would only have to do the DXF to DWG process once for each file, but the Civil department is compiling a multi-page list of problems with V8, and I am getting no end of resistance to the change. Luckily I can always forward them to the president of the company, but still, it isn't making my job very pleasant.

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