Plot Problem with Bricscad dwg in AutoCAD LT 2006

Hi all,I have installed the evaluation version of Bricscad Classic 8.2.5. I am currently working with AutoCAD 2006LT and am thinking about switching to Bricscad. As I am exchanging drawings with people using Autocad, I am worried about the following:I open an AutoCAD file and do some editing. I then save it in AutoCAD 2004 format, because that's the format my ACAD user can open.I can plot it all right, but when you open the same drawing in Autocad and try to plot it, you'll get only part of it on paper when you plot the model space. Paper space will plot all right, but in model space you get an offset in a ISO A4 paper (Limits 0,0 / 210,297) you have an offset of X:-100mm / Y:148mm and however you try to offset the plot params, you'l only get parts of the drawing on paper.Do I miss something, or is this a show stopper for me when I think of switching?Thnx for your help, Cheers


  • I don't print in model space much... but i do receive a lot of plans like that from surveyers (DWGs usually created with Carlson apps). I was able to reproduce your problem with one of my files.Please, Send you previous message as a support request, with the file in question to Bricscad. All of the support requests i've sent have been promptly fixed, so no this isn't a show stopper.Steve

  • Can't comment directly except to say >90% of my files are exported as PDF. If they want DWG at all it's to edit or use rather than to print. Printing issues with Acad have become less relevant with time.

  • Thanx for your answers, I have put up a support request accordingly.PDFs won't do, because I have to deliver ACAD files to my customer - the files have to be in a form that can be further edited as requested.

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