ADO:Tools for lisp

Maybe some of you here might find this useful, it’s a port of my ADO:tools for lisp project to Bricscad. You will need .NET 2.0 or greater installed before you can make use of this DLL. Here are a few sample commands,

(ADO:Tools "C:\\NewMDB.mdb" "CREATE DATABASE"); not yet working(ADO:Tools "C:\\Northwind.mdb" "SELECT * FROM Customers")(ADO:Tools "C:\\Northwind.mdb" "SELECT CompanyName,ContactName FROM Customers")(ADO:Tools "C:\\Northwind.mdb" "SELECT ProductName,UnitPrice FROM Products WHERE UnitPrice < 20 ORDER BY UnitPrice ASC")(ADO:Tools "C:\\NewMDB.mdb" "CREATE TABLE Table1 (Name VARCHAR, Address VARCHAR, Num INTEGER)") (ADO:Tools "C:\\NewMDB.mdb" "INSERT INTO Table1 (Name, Address, Num ) VALUES ('Yo Dude', 'Somewhere in Albuquerque', 1)" (ADO:Tools "C:\\NewMDB.mdb" "SELECT * FROM Table1")(ADO:Tools "C:\\NewMDB.mdb" "SELECT Num * 12 FROM Table1 WHERE Name = 'Yo Dude'")

I posted the DLL over at


  • Excelente dll!!!! es muy buena y muy potente la he probado y funciona muy bien realmente potencia el trabajo de bricscad con bases de datos.

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