Display and Plot OLE objects

In version 8.2.6 (Classic) OLE objects will display but will not plot. We get tileblocks from clients with their logos attached as OLE objects. These are xrefed into paperspace. The OLE objects display but do not plot, no matter what the settings are for OLE objects. This was not a problem in the previous version.


  • I had a problem like that (first time) recently in 8.2.6. A fairly large file in which I had added a rectangle, a revcloud and some text, did not show the new work in print preview.For no logical reason I ran a lisp routine I have for removing single-vertex polylines, zero-length lines/polylines, and text with nothing but spaces from a drawing, called killdots.lsp.Sometimes it finds "non-entities" and improves misbehaving files. Not sure why the entities should matter, but it has helped many times. It found one and now ppreview seems ok again.Killdots is not one of mine so I'm reluctant to pass it on without the author's knowledge, but you should be able to Google and download it.

  • We have investigated plotting of OLE objects and did not (yet) find regressions with regard to previous V8 releases. It would be very helpful if you could file a support request and attach a dataset that allows to reproduce the problem you experience.

  • I have submitted a file to support for analysis. As a follow-up, I tried inserting my own OLE objects, and they worked just fine. It seems to only occur with OLE objects inserted by others outside our office.

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