Documents Tabs



  • This is a WONDERFUL program!! However, it would be a good idea to add some documentation telling people what the different versions are for. It's a trial and error process to discover that DrxDocTabs_2.06_8.drx is the correct version for BricsCad v9.2.15-1.

  • Doh! Sorry about that! I stuck a 2.07 version in there, didn’t I. DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx is for V9.XXX DRXDocTabs_2.05_8.drx is for V8.2.XX DRXDocTabs_2.04_8.drx is for V8.1.XXX

  • I tried it too and works perfectly.. such a simple solution and though so handy.... Thanks a lot !!!

  • A new beta if anyone wants to test.


    This one adds a 'Copy Drawing' menu item that will copy the current tab/DWG to a specified folder and open the new (copied) drawing in the editor, there is also a couple of other new features since I posted here last.


    This version is for v9.3 or better (pro or classic) and uses an installer that supports auto-loading.

    so please remove any older copies you might have.





  • Great program, as usual, Daniel.  The only problem when copying is that you have to make sure you add the .dwg to the new filename, or else it just creates a copy with the filename without the extension, and won't open up in BricsCad.  It would be nice if it would automatically add the default .dwg extension.

  • Thanks for testing this Steven,

    I added the default extension, so you don't need to explicitly type the .DWG extension.



  • Kudos to Daniel for one sweet little program.

    It installed & runs beautifully. Slick as a button.

    I've used DocTabs for many moons now, so this is the 4th or 5th iteration I've used. It just gets better. Nowadays, the installer makes it a no-brainer for any newcomer.

    Your efforts are appreciated.

    Many Thanks.

  • It's my pleasure,  

    Thanks for the kind words Greg : )

  • I fixed a bug that could cause Bricscad to crash, if you're using the beta please install the latest version

    @ the same link

  • Hello Daniel,

    I have been recently testing the Doctabs application (downloaded from Bricscad website), really nice work, thanks for sharing with all of us.  I tried to visit theSwamp, but I am being asked a user and password, does this means that we have to open an account with TheSwamp to access the downloads that you periodically place there? or is there a visitor´s way to access the site?

    I tried installing the program in a domain based system where regular draftsmen have limited priviledges, I first logged in as an administrator, installed Brics V9 Pro and 10 Pro Beta, then I installed DocTabs and Sofoco tools.  The program works find for the administrator, however, as I log off and sign in again as a regular draftsman the program does not seem to work, I can not get the tabs, going back to administrator user I again get the tabs.  Do you have any suggestions to make this work?, several months ago we had a similar issue with Bricscad V8 in its early days which Bricsys seems to have found how to fix, further, we seem to have a similar issue with sofoco tools and CivilCad, the programs work fine with administrator rights but do not load if the user has limited priviledges.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Jose,

     The installer is currently set to require power user privliges, however there really shouldn’t be any problem running the actual routine. You can test this by manually loading DocTabs.drx via the appload command. If the program does in fact load with appload, then I suspect the problem is the registry path for demand loading

     The Bricscad applications page will have a link to the latest release version so registering at theSwamp is not needed. You can email me at or post your questions here.

     Let me know if the apploading works, so I can get you fixed up.

     Thanks a Ton!



  • Dear Daniel,

    Thank you for offering this wonderful program for free.  This program works fine in my English version of Bricscad V9 and V10.  However, it failed to show up in traditional Chinese version of Bricscad V9 or V10.  The program seems to install fine on both computers.  Could it be our user language folder is zw_TW instead of en_US?  Hope there is a quick fix to this problem.  Thanks,


  • Hi Joseph,


    The problem is most likely in my installer. I thought I had this fixed to install on any version of Bricscad. If you haven't already please try uninstalling and reinstalling using the latest download. Also if you could run these lisps at the command line and let me know the results.


    (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Bricsys\\Bricscad\\V10" "CurVer")

    (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Bricsys\\Bricscad\\V9" "CurVer")

  • Hi Joseph,


    I just tried installing Bricscad V10 traditional Chinese on my machine ,reinstalling using the version of DocTabs (downloaded from the Applications page) and everything worked ok. please try reinstalling using the latest version and let me know how it works for you.


    PS. if anyone wants a version in another language email me the  translations of the menu items and the results of

    (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Bricsys\\Bricscad\\V10" "CurVer")

    (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Bricsys\\Bricscad\\V9" "CurVer")

    and I will build a version


    daniel at

  • Dear Daniel,

    Thank you for your prompt response.  The latest version downloaded from the Bricsys web site works fine in traditional Chinese Bricscad V10.  The chinese file name also displayed correctly.  It must be the version I had was the older version.  They all shows version and I thought they were the same version so I did not bother to download again.  Many thank to you again.



  • Dear Daniel,

    By the way,  I forgot to answer your question in the last reply.  Sorry.

    (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Bricsys\\Bricscad\\V10" "CurVer") commands shows "zh_TW" in traditional Chinese version of Bricscad V10.




  • Great!  glad it works!


    sorry about not updating the version number (face palm), I must have had too much coffee that day  : 0


    Thank you for your help : )



  •  I have posted a new version, that fixes a compatibility issue with the new beta versions of Bricscad. : )


  • Anyone want to test a simplified Chinese version before I add it to the applications area?  




  • Do you have traditional Chinese version?

    Tradition Chinese version Bricscad users are more then simplified Chinese currently.




  • I will make a traditional Chinese version next :)


    "Tradition Chinese version Bricscad users are more then simplified Chinese currently."


    This is something I intend to fix ; )

  • Hello Daniel,


    This is a good news for us.


    PS: Are you Chinese?



    Please give this a whirl and PM me at daniel @

    if you see any errors.

    "PS: Are you Chinese?"

    No, though I do live in Shanghai.   : )

  • I just tried to install DocTabs_TW.exe on two XP Pro computer running Bricscad 10.2.6 Traditional Chinese, and it seems to runs okay.  It is a nice work.  The only thing that seems odd to me is the translation of closing right or left tab page as "索頁".  While it is probably a technically correct term, I believe it would be easier for user to understand if that is translated as a drawing or"圖面".  Anyway, thank you for making this free tool even more user friendly. 

  • Great, Thanks for the feedback! I have also received advice that 關閉左邊的頁籤  might be a better description, what are your thoughts?

  • That sound like a better translation than original one.  I will tried the new download later.

  • Dear Daniel,

    I just tried to install the latest Doctabs_EN.exe on a traditional Chinese version of windows 7 machaine with English version of Bricscad 10.2.7, and found that while it works in the adminstrator account which it was installed, but did not show up on the user account on the same computer.  Could it be the user path was different from Vista or XP?  I noticed that now the path for plotstyle and plotconfig is now under 使用者\user name\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\Bricscad\V10\en_US\ ?  Hopefully this is a easy fix for you.   Thanks.

  • I will take a look, in the meantime you can put the path to DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx in

    XXX:\Program Files (x86)\Bricsys\Bricscad V10\Suppor\autoload.rx



  • Sorry, I did not found the file DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx in my computer.  I did found autoload.rx, but did not know how to put the path in it.


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