Is possible to load .VLX files?If not is any chance to get this function in the future?Thanks!
no VLX files supported by BCAD...
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Dear Piki,if you need VLX or FAS to protect/encrypt yoru Lisp files - then, Bricscad has an alternative : it provides 2 differentDES encoder tools, producing *.des files.Then, your Lisp code should use (load "file") instead of (load "file.vlx") or (load "file.des") - using (load "file") causes all CAD systems to search for the appropriate files :1. Acad will search for vlx/fas/lsp (in that order)2. Bricscad will search for *.des/lsp (in that order)so finally, every system will find the correct versions.Beside this, it is planned to extend the DES encoder to produce "container" files similar to VLX - combining many files (lsp, dcl, txt etc.) into one single container file.Many greetingsTorsten
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So the: BcadLispEncrypt function available in the developers section creates a DES file? I thought it was a LSP files?Or is this tool not released?Steve
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I allready have an application (.VLX files) in AutoCAD and I would like to use them in BricsCAD. Is this possible (I don't have original .LSP files)?ThxPiki
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no, VLX is compiled. You need the source LSP and DCL files.
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Torsten...When might we see this "container" feature? I have a number of lsp files and would rather not copy protect them individually.Great feature.. can't wait :)Thanks in advance for your help.--Phillip
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We are sincerely waiting for this options.....It is must for us to take decision to change from AutoCAD to BricsCAD...Please provide as soon as possible...0
VLX files are specifically "compiled" (more correctly : encoded) Lisp files ... they can not be loaded by BricsCAD.
The only chance is to ask the developer of the VLX file, to
a) provide the source code of the VLX encoded Lisp file
b) or that developer should create a DES encoded file from source Lisp file, by using BricsCAD's DESCoder.exe ...
no other chance, sorry.
Many greetings !0