MText Comment

I have been using BricsCAD for several months now. My goal is to get us off of AutoCAD. My main objective is to evaluate how other people will be able to adapt to BricsCAD. For the most part it is very smooth. I commend your team for producing a very stable product. However, one area where I feel AutoCAD is better would be Mtext. In AutoCAD, the advancements made from v2000 to v2008 are dramatic. I think you need to become more compatible with AutoCAD Mtext and adopt some of their features (tabs, automatic zoom, etc). The fact that you cannot stretch the text-edit dialog larger is a bit irritating. Within our company, for people who have only used AutoCAD 2004 and up, this will appear to be a bit step backwards.I have found many features in BricsCAD I like much better. The settings dialog and drawing explorer are excellent!! But to be completely honest, I think you folks need to polish up the Mtext a little more.Thanks, keep up the good work.


  • We actually are working on a brand new Mtext editor, expect to see more in the coming months. And heartfelt thanks for the praise, always good to know someone out there appreciates our work.

  • Fantastic! This is another reason why you guys are better than Autodesk, you're willing to listen and act.Thank you Hans.

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