Extruded Lines, PLines & Circles are Transparent

In Autocad extruded Lines, Plines and Circles along with Solid entities are not transparent when you issue a hide command BUT ARE transparent in Brics. WHY??? Is there a variable to address this or do I have to redraw ALL extruded entities out of faces which would be very impractical and inefficient. In Autocad you can draw the profile of a channel or any shape and extrude it and it will hide correctly. This is a serious problem for me if Brics cannot do this...


  • Just extruded some rectangles and circles to become solids and then tried the hide command: the solids are not displayed transparently, hidden lines are indeed removed. Could you please file a support request and attach a sample drawing where solids remain transparent? FYI: please note the peculiar interrelated behavior of hide, shade and shademode. If SHADEMODE is set to 2d wireframe, executing a HIDE command will produce a hidden line display, which will be overwritten by a 2d wireframe display next time a redraw is executed, e.g. during zooming or panning. If SHADEMODE is set to 3d wireframe, executing a HIDE command will reset the value of SHADEMODE to hidden, so from here on this drawing will always be rendered in hidden mode. To return to 2d wireframe mode one has to set SHADEMODE back to 2d wireframe.This behavior is similar to Autocad.

  • HansI need to clarify my problem. Polylines when given a thickness (not width) value are treated as transparent when hidden. Draw a rectangle, then select it and change its thickness value in the properties menu to something positive. It will neither hide nor shade properly but does in Autocad. Lines and circles do hide and shade properly however. Also type in the solid command and then issue the change command, properties, thickness, +5 and it too is transparent in Brics but not Autocad.Thanks for your response and any insight is greatly appreciated. I have been using Autocad since version 2.18 and have a large number of drawings needless to say created over the years that are not hiding correctly in Brics.

  • Thanks for clarifying, we can indeed reproduce the problem with polylines with non-zero thickness. A task has been scheduled to fix it in the coming weeks. The problem with solids could not be reproduced though. Can you please file a support request and attach a sample drawing that is known to illustrate the problem? Thanks for helping us making Bricscad a better product!

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