Selecting overlapping lines

This one is probably really easy to do, but I'm having difficulty finding it in the help:I have a drawing with two lines entirely overlapping each other. In AutoCAD I can cycle through the various lines by selecting while holding down Ctrl, however that puts BricsCAD into (I think) 3D pan mode. Any ideas how I can select the 'underneath' line?nb., very happy with V9 :) Some things are a bit peculiar (I have a list...! Not sure where to post it where it won't sound like a complaints list, and besides sure the problems will no doubt will be sorted in ongoing releases) but the speed increase is very welcome - people in the office were turned off by V8's speed, going to it from AutoCAD 2006LT, but now there seems little between the two packages.


  • If you select to overlapping entities the most recently create entity is selected. To select the underlaying entity: select both lines using window overlap, then press and hold the shift key while selecting the line on top, thus unselecting it.Please feel free to send your 'list' in a support request.

  • And if there are more than two overlapping lines, you can use the DRAWORDER command. Its default argument is "Back," so Draworder (or whatever alias you've assigned to it) and then Space Space will send the top line to the back. Then you can select the next one below, and if it's not the right one just hit the space bar twice to send that one to the back. And so on till you get the line you're looking for.

  • Has there been any improvement made on this issue in the 30 months since these three posts? While the ability to 'deselect' the newest item (post #2) and 'send to back' a multitude of items (post #3) provide a work-around, the reality is that the selection cycling provided by the use of the TAB key is rather indispensible in some situations.

    I searched the forums and this was the only discussion I found on the subject.


    Rob Smith

  • Please read the topic 'Selecting overlapping entities' in the Bricscad Help under User Guide / Modifying Entities / Selecting Entities / Selecting Methods.

  • Thank you, Louis. The information in the Help system (11.2.9 English) does show how to cycle through the overlapping objects.

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