Bug with changing multiline text size

When I create a couple of text lines whit Mtext tool and try to change the font size in the properties panel, I get an error message about the program becoming unstable and if I continue it crashes completely. Is there anything to be sone to fixe that? It's a major issue as we have many users and mtext is used a lot.


  • I forgot to telll that I use BricscadClassic-V9[1].1.4-1

  • I have just started getting it with my first new file in 9.1.4 without much content. I have only to try dragging the width of mtext and it crashes. First instability I have had in a long long time.

  • This is indeed a regression, for which we apologize. We're working on a priority fix.

  • thanx for the quick answer

  • At present, the notification mails for the release of V9.1.6 (including the fix) are being sent out. It might take a few more hours till your mail arrives, but meanwhile you can already download it...

  • I have already installed 9.1.6 and indeed solves this problem... Thanks guys this is the support we're been looking for... Bricsys 1 - Autodesk null

  • That was simply remarkable. We just upgraded and almost before I knew this problem existed a fix was available! In an effort to be the ever demanding user... it would be nice if there were a way to download a much smaller patch but for me the full download is not too much trouble.Great work!

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