Fatal error in Briscad v8 y v9 when scroll the mouse
Dear friends, The program always crash when I'm working in a drawing and automatically I try to scroll using the wheel of the mouse. It happens since version v8 and it's still happening in v9 in in spanish.It's really annoying because it happens to me several times a journey and there's no chance to save the file after the bug.¿Can you help me?
Hello Ramon,could you please file a support request for this issue: it allows us to assign it to a developer, keep the communications about the issue in a database which allows to easily search it later on, pass it on to another developer if required, attach screenshots or other information, etc.Please clearly mention which operating system you use, including its version number, the service pack and the locale (= language) of the system.Does the same problem occur when using the English/US version?
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I don't Know if this happens using the english version, because license I bought last year was related to spanish v8...Of course I'll fille this bug to support, but how can I check all the topics you notice me I have to describe to the developer assigned? No problem about Windows Vista, but about service pack?
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Your Spanish license key will work for an English/US version. The reason for asking this is to try to find out whether your problem is related to the Spanish version of Bricscad, to the operating system, etc.In order to find the details of your Operating System: open the Run command, type in winver.exe and click OKor via Control Panel 1. Click Start and click Control Panel. 2. Click the System and Maintenance option. 3. Click the System option.
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HiThere is possibility you are using an application specific for your mouse? I have seen some scrolling problems with a wireless logitech mouse, but when disabled the application, and use the standard driver in windows, the problem dissapears.maybe is not necessary to disable the application, just tweak the scroll function on it.