Display of XRef Layers in Bricscad Explorer

To display XRef Layers in Bricscad Explorer you have to chose [View] in the menubar and then [Show XRef Layers]. This setting is stored for the current Bricscad session only. Whenever you restart Bricscad you have to make this setting again. This problem occurs in BC7, BC8 and BC9. In the help of BC7 it is suggested that the variable VISRETAIN plays a role in this matter, but is doesn't (and shouldn't).So my question is: am I missing something and is there some setting to make Bricscad always Display XRef Layers in Bricscad Explorer, or is this one for the wish list?


  • It's on my wish list, though not critical.

  • You're right: this looks like an easy and welcome improvement, we'll add it.Thanks for pointing this out.

  • The code has been changed so that the value of the 'Show XRef Layers' menu item is stored beween sessions. The change will be available in one of the upcoming releases.

This discussion has been closed.