Non rectangular viewport and its polyline
When creating a non rectangular pviewport, a polyline is created as well by Bricscad.Is there a way in VB(A) to determine, which polyline belongs to the viewport?Both are on the same layer, but so can other polylines be as well.Is there some relation I can test for?(Could not find anything in xdata)TIA,Arno van Eeuwen
Actually I'm still strugling with this one.
Does anybody know what is the connection between a non rectangular PViewport and its associated polyline?
How can the PViewport object tell me wether a viewport is rectangular or not?
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Does this lisp help?
(defun c:TestVP ( / )
(progn (graphscr) T)
(setq result (car (entsel "Selelect viewport: ")))
(setq resultLst (entget result))
(progn (textscr) T)
(= (cdr (assoc 0 resultLst)) "VIEWPORT")
(princ "\nYes it's a viewport with entity name: \n")
(princ (cdr (assoc -1 resultLst)))
(setq clipBoundary (cdr (assoc 340 resultLst)))
(princ "\nThis viewport is clipped. Boundary data: \n")
(setq clipBoundaryLst (entget clipBoundary))
(princ clipBoundaryLst)
(princ "\nWithin this boundary data you can find this reference to the viewport: \n")
(setq clipBoundaryLstPart (cadr (member '(102 . "{ACAD_REACTORS") clipBoundaryLst)))
(princ clipBoundaryLstPart)
(princ "\nDone! ")
(princ "\nThis is not a clipped viewport ")
)0 -
Thanks, Roy.
Actually I'm trying to achieve this through some kind of COM call in VB(A) or C#.
I'm not sure the PViewport object is exposing its clip-boundary in COM.
Currently, I'm searching for a LWPOLY at the same layer and layout as the PVIEWPORT and compare the Boundingboxes. It works but does not feel like an idiot proof method at al...l
Any other sugestions?
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Hi Arno,
I do not know the answer you are seeking but I do seem to recall the polyline entity name is stored in the entity data association list with code 340... something like
(entget (cdr (assoc 340 vp_elist))) will give you the polyline with Lisp.
I also know the bounding polyline can be on a different layer from the viewport entity.
Not sure if that helps you at all... I do not know much about COM or C#
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Hi Arno,
I am in the process of wrapping a few global functions for a .net project I'm working on, one of which is acdbEntGet.. it returns a list of DXF codes and values for a given object. This would certainly work for what you need. Let me know and I will compile and upload what I have.
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Hi Daniel,
sounds very promising; since I'm needing it in C#.Net it would certainly help me.
Will this be part of your .Net wrapper libraries?
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"Will this be part of your .Net wrapper libraries?"
Yes I'm adding a namespace RxNet.RxGlobal to house global functions
that are frequently p/invoked. Some of them may duplicate methods accessible
via com.. but oh well, the more the merrier : )
Just curious, are you using the libraries?
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Hi Arno,
I have uploaded the .net wrappers ( to the developers area. See if this sample gets you started.
public static void vptest()
AcadApplication application =
Application.AcadApplication as AcadApplication;
if (application == null)
throw new System.Exception("Could Not Get Application");
AcadDocument Doc = application.ActiveDocument;
foreach (AcadEntity e in Doc.ActiveLayout.Block)
if (e.EntityName.Equals("AcDbViewport"))
ResultBuffer buf =
GlobalFunctions.EntGet(new ObjectId(e.ObjectID));
int index = buf.FindIndex(Has340);
if (index != -1)
ObjectId VPid = new ObjectId(e.ObjectID);
ObjectId Entid = (ObjectId)buf[index].Value;
("\nViewPort Id: {0}, Polyline Id: {1}", VPid, Entid));
//AcadEntity ent =
// Doc.database.ObjectIdToObject(Entid.OldId) as AcadEntity;
catch (System.Exception ex)
(":{0},\n:{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
internal static bool Has340(TypedValue val)
return val.TypeCode == 340;
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Thanks Daniel.
I picked up your stuff and see I have to upgrade my 2005 Express to 2008.
Your example looks cristal clear, I expect it to work as fluent as your .Net wrappers and the TAB tools I picked up from the Swamp earlier this year.
I've have had a go on the .Net wrappers and they work like charm.
I'll get back to you.
Still having fun @ the Bund?
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To use the wrappers, you only need VS2005 or .NET 2.0, I do recommend using VS2008 (what I used for the sample) to take advantage of the new features, such as extension methods
Oh the bund is a real nightmare for the tourists, the whole walkway in front is being rebuilt for the Expo, If you plan to visit before 2010, bring your hardhat : )
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Hi Daniel,
After initial struggle with RxNet (Cannot load in V9.3.13 Pro) I found your updated version.
Loads ok in V9.3.13 and the example works ok , I get two Id's returned from an irregular vieport, so I can take it from there.
Cool stuff!!
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For those interested, here's the little extention I made on Daniels example.
After obtaining the Id of the polyline object, it only takes a few steps to get to the actual polyline object and its coordinates.
public static void vptest()
AcadApplication application = Application.AcadApplication as AcadApplication;
if (application == null)
throw new System.Exception("Could not get application");
AcadDocument Doc = application.ActiveDocument;
foreach (AcadEntity e in Doc.ActiveLayout.Block)
if (e.EntityName.Equals("AcDbViewport"))
ResultBuffer buf = GlobalFunctions.EntGet(new ObjectId(e.ObjectID));
int index = buf.FindIndex(Has340);
if (index != -1)
ObjectId VPid = new ObjectId(e.ObjectID);
ObjectId ENTid = (ObjectId)buf[index].Value;
Doc.Utility.Prompt(String.Format("\nViewport Id: {0}, Polyline Id: {1}", VPid, ENTid));
AcadLWPolyline lwPoly = (AcadLWPolyline)Doc.database.ObjectIdToObject((int)ENTid);
double[] coords = (double[])lwPoly.Coordinates;
for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length / 2; i ++)
Doc.Utility.Prompt(String.Format("\nViewport X: {0}, Viewport Y: {1}", coords[i * 2], coords[i * 2 + 1]));
//Doc.Utility.Prompt(String.Format("\nNo Polyline found for entity {0}", e.EntityName));
catch (System.Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format(":{0},\n:{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
internal static bool Has340(TypedValue val)
return val.TypeCode == 340;
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Nice work Arno!
Not sure if this will help in your situation, ... I have added the function GetCurViewportObjectId, that will get the ObjectId of the current active ViewPort
ObjectId vpid = GlobalFunctions.GetCurViewportObjectId();