Customizing the right click on the mouse

HiI switched to BricsCad from Acad. In Acad I was able to customize the right-click on my mouse (eg. repeat command etc.).I searched the "E-book" how to customize BricsCad v8, but no answer..Anyone that have a solution?Best regards,


  • Pull down Tools > Customize to edit the CUI (menu) file.Under the Menus tab, the first 3 sub-folders under "Context menus" are the right-click menus for different conditions:Command = when a command is activeDefault = when there's no selection setEdit = when there's a selection setYou can delete commands, or add custom or built-in ones.New updates of Bricscad may overwrite the CUI file, so if you're going to do a lot of customizing you might want to create a custom CUI file. There's some discussion on how to do that at

  • And the variable SHORTCUTMENU, as in Autocad, controls whether the context menus are enabled. In Bricscad, an easy way to set that variable is to pull down Settings > Settings and type "shortcut menus," which will find the right setting for you, and then check or uncheck boxes under that heading.

  • Thx.Best regards/mads

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