Line types again

Some where in the last couple of updates the linetype printing has become messed up again. Some months ago several of us were having problems with linetypes containing dots. If I recall, the dots would not print at the same thickness as the line (when using plotstyles). Very recently I have notices two issues with lines. First the linetypes with dots now print the dots elongated (then look like ovals) also this tend to be oriented vertically to the sheet, regardless of the angle of the line (object).The second thing I noticed, I have a custom Railroad linetype I have used for years, now the little tick marks perpendicular to the line do not print. I am using the latest version 9.29-1. This may have happened at 9.26 or 9.27???


  • Hi John,I am using v9.2.10 and also find the dots in my linetypes elongated. All my other custom linetypes are printing ok for me though, text and shape based.

  • After complaints about hardly noticeable dots in V9.1, we implemented printing of 'fat' dots as a short vertical lines with length = linewidth. This results in the behavior described in this thread, and indeed can do with some further refinement. As it happens, another user had made the same complaint this week, so we are currently working on the further refinement of the printing of dots.In an internal build, which is currently going through testing, 'fat' dots are now printed as a short horizontal lines with length = 1/5 of the linewidth, that is, only if the linewidth is more than 5 pixels, else the increase is 1 pixel. So dots with linewidth = 1 pixel will still be stretched by 1 pixel and as such become twice as long as they are wide. This is hard to avoid, it's rather difficult to print fractions of pixels ;-).Still, the results really look a lot better.John (Kennedy), could please file a support request and attach a drawing with the railroad linetype you mention, so we can check if this calls for another refinement.Thanks for helping us make Bricscad a better product!

  • I was using splines with dotted linetype. After the last problem was fixed they were printing properly again. They print as solid lines now, thicker in the middle than towards the ends.I gave up, back to using hidden linetype instead.

  • John (Gaunt),may I kindly ask you too to file a support request and attach a drawing with such dotted spline that prints as a solid line? We really want to make sure that dots print as desired in all circumstances. After applying any required corrections to the print code, we will add these drawings to our automated print test suite in order to be warned about future regressions.

  • I have submitted a request just now.For others' information the particular linetype I have trouble with is DOT4 and I only use it for splines. They are not really solid, just the dots are larger than previous and tend to almost join. They seem to be elongated vertically no matter which direction the spline is travelling.

  • John (Gaunt),thanks for providing the well-documented problem description. We could reproduce the problem using the current release build, and we can confirm that it is solved by using the refined approach for printing dots. We plan to release an update later this week.

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