Exporting Plot Styles in a PDF

Is there any way that you can have your plot styles used when exporting as a PDF?I have tried using display plot styles in the Page Setup window but that has, as of yet, been unsucsessful.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Curtis


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  • Curtis, have you tried print-to-PDF software? Freeware examples include pdfRedirect, pdfCreator, and pdf995. They create a virtual printer. You select that virtual printer instead of your HP or Epson, and it sends the output to a PDF file that looks like the print-out would look. Just check "Plot with plot styles" in the Page Setup window.

  • Thanks, That was the fall back option, however I was hoping for a solution within bricsCad itself.If nothing else presents itself that is what I will doCurtis

  • We will add this possibility to Bricscad later this year.

  • Excellent. Thank you

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