BricscadPro-V9.2.15-1-en_US an few earlyer versionsBriscad Display background color is set on White In DCL file image_button color is set on graphics_background SLIDE in Dialog Box is copletely black, but it should be black on white background Is this bag or is it error whit me?(in AutoCAD this works whitout any problems)Regards, Tika
Dear,There have been issues with the background color of slides rendered in a dcl image/image_button.However, all known issues are fixed starting from version 9.2.13.Please file a support request with a sample to reproduce your issue.Be sure to mention "dcl" in the subject of your support request.Kind RegardsTijs
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Dear, TijsThe error is in my code: (fill_image 0 0 w h 256)and correct code is: (fill_image 0 0 w h -2)Sorry for the false alarmeKind RegardsTika