Program crashes with fillet command.

Whenever I use the fillet command to join two polylines BricsCad crashes. "A fatal error has been detected, the application will be terminated". It works if I open a new drawing, but everytime I do it in an old drawing the program crashes.

It started to happen when I downloaded a new version of BricsCad. Now I use v12.2.6.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Does anyone know what causes it or know how to fix it?


  • it is true!
    and I use 12.2.5
    is definitely a bug you must submit a support request

  • Not sure what your problem is but if you can reproduce it, attach the drawing to  a support request and list the steps to cause the crash. You will help yourself and the rest of the bricscad community.  In the meantime use the audit command on the old drawing, it may give you a short term fix.
  • Ok, I submitted a support request. Thanks. The audit command did not seem to help.
  • Hi there, I reported this in SR34839 against v12.2.4. My problems were always related to using a radius of 0.0. I received a response that it will be fixed with priority. Might same you the time of creating a report...
  • Workaround: use the CHAMFER command with dist1=0 and dist2=0.
  •  This is a rather horrible bug which should be handled with the highest priority. I'm disappointed to learn (from this thread) it has existed since v12.2.4 without being addressed. 

  • V12.2.7 contains a fix and is currently completing the test cyclus, it is scheduled for release later today.
    We apologize for the inconvenience.
  •  This is a rather horrible bug which should be handled with the highest priority. I'm disappointed to learn (from this thread) it has existed since v12.2.4 without being addressed. 

    Just to add to the message I posted. The report I made was using v12.2.4 but was not discovered until May 7 which was at the end of the beta cycle. Also note, I do not have a paid support contract with Bricsys so I suspect my support requests are reviewed with a lower priority and was not reviewed until after the 12.2.5 release. Personally I feel satisfied with a two week turn-around on this.
  • Oops! make that one week... I spent too much time planning next week this morning ;-)
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