PDF printing with Acrobat 9


I realize this is not the place for support requests, however I have had one in for a week now on this topic and am wondering if anyone else is having the same issue with printing to PDF using Acrobat pro X and V12. All I see in the pdf is paperspace objects if I select "plot paperspace last" and if not, only modelspace. Preview works fine, physical printer works fine. Works fine in V11. This seems rather odd and as I say I wonder if anyone else has noticed this? Anyone using a different pdf printer device?


  • I have noticed a different problem with printing to Acrobat -- first plot will be blank, and then I print again (no change in settings) and it prints fine.  I only print from modelspace, though, so that is different from your problem.  My problem did not occur with v. 11.

    Perhaps the folks at Bricscad could do some tests with Acrobat to see if these are somehow related.

  • I confirm having the exact problem described in #2, paperspace for sure but I think it also occurs in model space.

  • I have the same problem with Bricscad V12 and Adobe pdf virtual printer V7.01.  This problems doe not happen using Bricscad V11.  In orden to avoid this problem I tried to export the layout to a PDF file, but Excel sheet pasted in layout appeared empty or with text rotated and oversized.

    I confirm having the exact problem described in #2, paperspace for sure but I think it also occurs in model space.

  • i have this problem:
    in paperspace
    with printing to Acrobat -- first plot will be blank (print only cover on paper and blank the content of viewport), and then I print again (no change in settings) and it prints fine.
  • Using another pdf printer ( Primo PDF) things work fine like in Bricscad V11. It seems the problem is de combination Briscad V2 + Adobe pdf virtual printer.
    Another annoying problem is that after printing a layout, the area which reprensents the paper area, gets shifted, whitout any layout configuration changes. The undo commnand gets the view to its prior state. Anyone else with this problem?
  • Apparently the problem with adobe is that the print is empty if Adobe Acrobat is closed. That is a regression wrt v11. If Adobe is open, then the first print succeeds.
  •  I have tried this with the latest version of Bricscad 12.1.10 with Acrobat 9 open (another document open in Acrobat) and the first print still comes up blank.  Whatever the problem is, I hope it is fixed soon.

  • I confirm having the same problem with 12.1.10 and Acrobat 8.3.1 Pro, and it can not print at all - neither first nor later pages. This worked well before...

    Best regards,
  • I too am having the same problem. When I try to print to Adobe PDF and leave the check mark next to Plot Paper Space Last, all I get in the PDF is my border. When I uncheck Plot Paper Space last, all I get is my drawing.

    I am not the only one in my office that is having this issue. We have 7 licensed copies of BricsCAD here, and each one of us suffer from the same issue. We are thinking of going back to AutoCAD. It may be more expensive, but at least their support is much better and there is a wider user base that can help with other issues.
  •  This is an older thread -- and I was one of the early posters on it.  I no longer have this problem with Acrobat 9 and the current version of BrisCAD, so at least some part of the problem has been solved.

    Have you submitted a support request on the issue?  That is the best way to get the attention of the developers.
  • I suggest tring something other than Adobe to create pdf files.  I use BlueBeam and Docuprinter regularly.  BlueBeam is one of the few pdf creators that supports 'lines merge'.  We use PDFill Writer on one of the workstations here and it handled paperspace and model space correctly.
  •  I use PDF995 and have never had a problem with any version of BC.

    I have used it and Adobe for printing, and find that Adobe products are much slower and more problematical than PDF995.
  • I also use PDF995 Usually with great results. I have Bc-12 and my hidden lines are solid and certain viewports are different lineweights than set. Thoughts ?
  • I am using PDFCreator and works every time without a problem. The only downside that is killing me is that I cannot batchprint all the layouts at once.
  • @Emanuel,

    to publish all layouts at once to PdfCreator you just have to enable the AutoSave option in the PdfCreator options. To set this option, open PdfCreator's 'Pdf print monitor', select 'Options' and then look for the Auto-Save settings.
  • If I use the autosave option I cannot wait/collect all my layouts to gather them in the same file. It will print straight out and I will get 4 files if I have 4 layouts. I can however batch print all the layouts at the same time if I use export to pdf but in this case I get the model printed out in the respective file and I don't want to. And I cannot find the option that can be unchecked so that the model will not be printed when exporting to pdf.
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