Insert drawing as block

 i'm using BRICSCAD 15 (64bit)

When trying _.INSERT to insert a drawing as block i get the output:

"Der ausgewählte Block  kann nicht eingefügt werden, da er eine externe Referenz ist"

"Block can not be insert because it is a ext. reference"

In the drawings ar excisting blocks

With ACAD this function on same drawings works fine.

Any idea whats wrong?


  • It seems logical to me that an Xref should not be handled as a Block.
    The Xref can be copied or duplicate Xrefs can be attached through the Explorer, but if it is Inserted that way the original is not an Xref any more.
  • Here is a possible scenario:
    The current drawing has an "A" xref attached.
    All references of "A" are deleted.
    An attempt is made to insert "A.dwg" as a block.
    BricsCAD warns:
    "The specified block A cannot be inserted because it is an external reference
    BricsCAD is unable to complete this operation."

    Save and reopen the current drawing.
    The command bar reads:
    "External block "A" is unreferenced and has been purged."
    "A.dwg" can now be inserted as a block.
  • Solution:
    Save and reopen the current drawing.
    The command bar reads:
    "External block "A" is unreferenced and has been purged."
    "A.dwg" can now be inserted as a block.

    In v14 there is a problem with unpurgeable* unreferenced xrefs, the release notes say this has been fixed in v15, but perhaps not?
    (* In v14 they are purgeable only if all xrefs are detached and drawing is saved & reopened multiple times, 3x usually does it.)
  • "In v14 there is a problem with unpurgeable* unreferenced xrefs, the release notes say this has been fixed in v15, but perhaps not?
    (* In v14 they are purgeable only if all xrefs are detached and drawing is saved & reopened multiple times, 3x usually does it.) "
    This seems to be the Problem. When i Close and reopen the file than the XREF is fine..
  •  I hope this is a bug and will fixed soon!

    My problem is, that i hav to run a programm that detach a XREF A.dwg from my drawing main.dwg. In This A.dwg there are some other dwgs attached (AA.dwg, AB.dwg ...). Then the prog inserts with _.INSERT in my main.dwg the drawing AA.dwg.

    There i got the message: The specified block A cannot be inserted because it is an external reference BricsCAD is unable to complete this operation." 

    The program ends..

    I wonder because there aren't any other xrefs in my main.dwg. Also the A.dwg with the xrefs from AA.dwg is away. So somewhere Bricscad keeps these xrefs in background somewhere (a cache or something?)

    Also when i draw a object in my main.dwg then save, reload all xrefs, i got this object insertet in my main.dwg as xref (coming from the a.dwg i think) When detaching the Xref this insertet object is also gone.

  •  If you are on v15 then it sounds like this bug may not have been fixed. I previously submitted a support request on this and have been told it was fixed in newer versions but never have had time to resolve. I recommend you post a support request with your drawings, and manually type the commands of the actions that are causing problems, to make sure it is not a lisp code issue. Then give the transcript from history with your support request showing the problems. 

    Keep us posted!
  •  i submitted a support request. I'm using the german version 15.1.23-2. The fix is only available in the english version 15.2.

    I asked the support when this will be fixed in the german version. A soon i get a response i will post it her.

    thanks a lot everybody!!
  •  Update:

    tried the same thing with EN Version V15.2.06...

    Doesn't work as well... so i think the bug isn't fixed correctly.. let's wait what the support will tell..
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