Dim Text change position

 I installed BricsCAD 16.2
I have a problem with the change of position  DIMtext
I can grab the Text and move the alone text  parallel on the DIMline or perpendicular to the Dimline but together with DIMline.
I can grab the  Dimline and move only Dimline (after having moved text) or together with Dimtext (unmoved text ).
I can not move perpendicularly only text.
Before, I did not have this problem


  • I think this is related to the DIMTMOVE setting of the Dimension Style. Change its value from 0 to 2.
  • Thank you, but this it not this.   
    I have setting DIMTMOVE value 2.
    I attach sample file with the dimensions.


  • Bogdan, you are right, there is a problem here. Maybe some sort of regression.
    I don't know what went wrong in my initial test. I did install 16.2 first, but by double clicking on a file I may have actually been testing with V15 (this is a 'feature' of Windows that I am not yet used to).
  • Dear Bogdan, Dear Roy,

    thanks for the hints - indeed, that regression was introduced while fixing other issues related to grip editing of dimension entities ...
    it is just fixed again in our internal code,  upcoming BricsCAD update(s) will likely include the fix ...
    very sorry for the trouble :-(
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