V15 Platinum - how to switch back out of Mechanical view

 Hi I was playing around in the mechanical library of parts for the first time, and now can't switch back tot he usual 2D layout I use. There doesn't appear to be a drop down box to switch back from Mechanical to the previous view I was using? Can someone tell me where this is or how to get back? This setting is saved on exit, so all my drawings now open with the Mechanical view ... how do I get back? thanks


  • Right click on the workspace option down on the status bar, then select the workspace you want from there. Alternatively you can run WORKSPACE, then use the set current to change.

    Jason Bourhill

  • There's a widget in the bottom status bar you can right-click to change workspaces. Or, just enter WORKSPACE on the command line followed by SETCURRENT and 2D MODELING. 
  •  Great thanks guys! so simple ...
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