block to label x y coordinates

Hi, I have a dynamic block, created in ACAD, which is basically a simple line with two attribute fields, x and y.

the x and y are calculated with this expression: %<\AcObjProp.16.2 Object(%<\_ObjId 669109712>%,1).Coordinates \f "%lu6%pt1">%

When I insert this block in ACAD the attributes are filled with the appropratie coördinates.

When I insert this same block in BricsCAD the attributes are shown as 0.0000.

I'v been rebuilding this block in BricsCAD, drawing a line, adding two attributes, and saving them as a block.

When I insert the block, same results.

It get the notion that BricsCAD calculates the coördinates relative to the insertion point, or something. But I'm not sure.

I like to get some help with this. It seems simple, but I can't get BricsCAD to do the job.

Attached the block (label xy coordinates.dwg) and a screenshot of what's happening in BricsCAD.


  • Hi Sander,

    If you've edited the block using BricsCAD, then that could be part of your issue. BricsCAD doesn't have any tools for editing or creating dynamic blocks, it can only use ones previously created in AutoCAD. Editing the block definition in BricsCAD may stop the dynamic features from working correctly. In AutoCAD they have a special block editor for working with dynamic blocks. In addition BricsCAD supports some, but not all dynamic features. So depending on how the dynamic block was authored dictates whether it will work in BricsCAD or not.

    Attach a drawing with a couple of dynamic block examples that do work in BricsCAD. Also include a couple of normal blocks created in BricsCAD that use object fields to report x, y, z data.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 

    XY Coordinates.dwg

  • I also believe you are confusing block attributes for some other term, as true attributes do not work in dynamic blocks in Bricscad or ACAD.
  • I also believe you are confusing block attributes for some other term, as true attributes do not work in dynamic blocks in Bricscad or ACAD.

    I don't think this statement is correct. The drawing I attached to my earlier post has two dynamic blocks defined, each one includes attributes. This is what is used to display the X & Y coords.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 

  • I don't think this statement is correct. The drawing I attached to my earlier post has two dynamic blocks defined, each one includes attributes. This is what is used to display the X & Y coords.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 

    I stand corrected my mistake...
  • Hi Sander,

    If you've edited the block using BricsCAD, then that could be part of your issue. BricsCAD doesn't have any tools for editing or creating dynamic blocks, it can only use ones previously created in AutoCAD. Editing the block definition in BricsCAD may stop the dynamic features from working correctly. In AutoCAD they have a special block editor for working with dynamic blocks. In addition BricsCAD supports some, but not all dynamic features. So depending on how the dynamic block was authored dictates whether it will work in BricsCAD or not. 

    Attach a drawing with a couple of dynamic block examples that do work in BricsCAD. Also include a couple of normal blocks created in BricsCAD that use object fields to report x, y, z data.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 


    Thanks a lot for your help.

    The dynamic functionality of the block is not the problem. It works well. Accept the horizontal flips don't work as expected ....
    The problem is the objects fields that show the x and y.

    I think what might be the problem is that the block is created in ACAD 2012.
    And I'm working in BricsCAD V15.
    Could it be thatBCAD V15 does not recognize the ACAD 2012 coordinate fields?

    If that's the case I need to find a way to convert my ACAD 2012 blocks to ACAD 2015.

    The leader-XY and Line-XY examples you attached do work well.
    Did you create those in BricsCAD ??
    I tried to create those in BCAD, but can't get it to work.
    When I create the block, the xy fields are saved as static fields.
    Yours work, but are the wrong size and color, and I'm not able to edit them without loosing the functionality.
  • Hi all,

    I am facing similar problems with coordinate labeling. I want to label elevations (z from xyz)  from lines and points but I fail to do this with a block. In our company we have premade marker for labeling coordinates. They work well in AutoCAD 2010 and 2012, but do not work in BricsCAD v14. I've created an abstracted version of our marker with a point, and an attribute with a field. The attribute contains a field which references the point's Position property. I've created a block from the whole. When I now insert the block to a new place in the drawing the coordinates do not get updated.

    I've tried using only fields and what not but I fail to achieve position labeling in BricsCAD. Does someone have a clue on how to achieve this functionality? I have attached my latest attempt in doing so to this post. There's a block named xyz which can be inserted at a position. while the reference point from the block has the correct coordinates it doesn't show them as expected.

    Many thanks for your help,



  • I need to find a way to convert my ACAD 2012 blocks to ACAD 2015
    AutoCAD DWG TrueView, free

  • I've tried using only fields and what not but I fail to achieve position labeling in BricsCAD. Does someone have a clue on how to achieve this functionality? I have attached my latest attempt in doing so to this post. There's a block named xyz which can be inserted at a position. while the reference point from the block has the correct coordinates it doesn't show them as expected.

    For this situation you need to define a FIELD that is self referencing. i.e. it looks at the properties of the inserted block, not the original definition. Unfortunately BricsCAD doesn't provide a method to create these type of fields. If you look at your original drawing, the field definition looks something like

    %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 611975616>%).Coordinates \f "%lu2%pr2%pt4">%

    In the drawing attached (edited using AutoCAD), the field has been changed to the correct type
    %<\AcObjProp.16.2 Object(%<\_ObjId 610149248>%,1).Coordinates \f "%lu2%pt4%pr2">%

    The good news is that once the field has been created you can continue on and create the block with BricsCAD, and it will work! In the attached drawing I created another block definition (see the blocks with the added circle) using BricsCAD, and it worked without issue. Based on this I would think Bricsys only (small word, there maybe more involved) have to update the FIELD dialogue to allow use of this type of field.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 


  • Hey Jason,

    thank you very much for your help. I think your explanation makes sense and I supposed something into that direction too. But I do not have a profound CAD knowledge so it was more or less guessing on my side. I have looked at your attached drawing and all the inserted block have zeros instead of the height. I have attached a screenshot how the drawing looks on my side. I suppose that is not the way it should work, isn' it? Saving your block to a file and inserting it into another drawing didn't help either. Do you have any clues what that might cause the issue? FYI I am using BricsCAD Pro v14.

  • Sorry for the double post, but there's no way to edit a post. At least I didn't find it. Anyway, another thing I noticed, which might be related, is when I use UPDATEFIELD. I have four of your blocks in my drawing. Here's the command flow:
    [code]: _updatefield
    Select field(s) to update: ALL
    Entities in set: 4
    Select field(s) to update:
    <8 fields found, 4 updated>[/code]
    Why are there 8 fields found? There are only four blocks, shouldn't there be no more than 4 fields in the drawing? Mysterious, mysterios :)

  • Hi Frank,

    I tested using V15. Looks like there has been some improvements made to fields since V14. See screen grabs attached.

    As for the number of fields found, it would seem BricsCAD is counting the attribute field that contains the field expression, which is a little confusing.

    In SETTINGS you can change the value of FIELDEVAL to allow fields to be updated on a REGEN. I believe this is actually the default.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  • Hi Jason,

    I feared already that this is something that is simply not working in v14. As a preliminary solution I can insert the Block, open up the Attribute Editor, edit the Field and select the Block as object using the blocks position as the data source. Then I can COPY this edited block around and it gets updated correctly. This works at least as an intermediate solution until we buy v15.


  • FYI, I have gotten a response from Bricsys support. I will quote the response here for further reference:
    [code]I am afraid that I have very little to add to Jason's comments at the forum. The simplest solution of you problem is to use BlockPlaceholder field. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create the field in BricsCAD. For this reason, the only opportunity is to create a block with the field in AutoCAD (please refer to the attached screenshot "blockplaceholder_field.png") , wblock it and insert it in BricsCAD then. The field is correctly evaluated by BricsCAD v14 and v15.[/code]


  • Haven't looked at this issue for a while, but Jacon's comments regarding changes in the V15 version made me curious to look at this again.

    We recently swithced to the V15. And guess what; everything works fine now. The xy fields are automatically updated when I insert the block. Problem solved.

  • I have a similar problem. from time od time I am to do co-ordinates for building columns. I have to write them by hand to my survey software. How to store them in a block.

    Kindly help me how to go about in step by process.

    Michael Cokwana

  • I have also been struggling with fields in attributes in blocks.
    The AutoCAD defined blocks that I have been using in BricsCAD for about 2 years stopped working some months ago.

    The basics of the (drawing title) block and the manually entered attribute values work,
    but the attributes that are defined as fields (DWGNAME etc) stopped working.
    The fields would display correctly in the original dwg file containing attribute definitions,
    but when this was inserted as a block into another dwg file, there was no way to get the fields to update.
    The fields stubbornly retained the values they had from the original dwg file.

    I have just found a solution / workaround in an AutoCAD forum and the solution works for me in BricsCAD 16.2.09
    The solution is to set the 'Constant' flag for the attribute containing the field to the value 'No'.
    The disadvantage is that a careless user could overwrite the field value, but at least the fields update correctly.

    - Richard B
  • If  your using V16, then you now have the option of creating these place holder type fields. This feature was introduced with one of the updates to V16. If you don't see the additional options when running FIELD, then you would need to update. There are place holders available for standard blocks, and sheet sets.

    From some initial testing it seems that to use make use of place holders you need to define the block in its own separate .dwg file. i.e. you can't define inside your current dwg using BLOCK, or add using REFEDIT.

    Jason Bourhill

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