Can you program a menu to go to specific folders in the drawing explorer?


With the command EXPFOLDERS you can open the drawing explorer with the folders tab open. But is it also possible to program a lisp-routine to go directly to a specific location?
We used the "_adcnavigate" command in AutoCad.


  • if you use e.g. the command _style or _Layer, or _Linetype the Drawing explorer opens and jumping to this Table.

  • Try running this code before executing the _ExpFolders command:
    ; (SetExpFolders "D:\\BKG_Tmp\\DWGS\\E\\") ; Note: the folder must already be part of the Folder List. (defun SetExpFolders (fld / key) (setq key (strcat "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" (vlax-product-key) "\\Profiles\\" (getvar 'cprofile) "\\Dialogs\\Drawing Explorer\\" ) ) (if (vl-position (strcase fld) (mapcar '(lambda (nme) (strcase (vl-registry-read (strcat key "Folder List") nme))) (vl-registry-descendents (strcat key "Folder List") T) ) ) (vl-registry-write key "FoldersTreeSelection" (strcat "Local Folders\t" fld)) ) )

  • Thanks again Roy! That was the exact solution I was searching for! :smiley:

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