Broken View


What the technique to produce a 'broken view' i.e. a long skinny object with no features in the middle of note so a portion of the centre can be omitted to allow a larger scale to fit onto the paper / layout. In my particular case a long section of square tube with fixing flanges welded to each end. Need to dimension to overall length, but everything else is concentrated at the ends.

Documentation and searching here has not yielded anything, but might be using the wrong terminology.

Appreciate any tips on how to achieve this.



  • I would create a paperspace viewport for each end, position them in a paperspace layout with a gap between.
    Draw something in the layout indicating the breaks.
    You could drag the dimension text to appear near one end, or create a third vport just to show the text.
    Or fake the dimension in paperspace, but that's not good practice.

  • Thanks for your reply,

    That's what I have trying, I create 2 viewports use the grab handles to shrink the length of the view port. Align them, draw in the break lines and add a dim and override the DIM text.

    Trouble with that approach is that every time the drawing regens the view ports 'grow back' to full size and I start over :neutral:

    Is there a way to 'lock' the viewport so after regen / update it stays put?

  • The AUTOVPFITTING system variable controls whether viewports are resized automatically or not.

  • Cheers Gents - achieved what I was trying to do.

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