DWG Compare

edited December 2017 in 2D Drafting

When I run this on a large drawing (over 200,000 entities), it correctly finds the 1 difference (it says so at the command line) - but I don't know how to graphically "find" this difference on the screen.
It shows me the entire drawing zoomed to far out too be able to see any details.

Help says that the "DiffType is displayed in Properties Panel and Rollover Tips" - but I don't see anything in Properties either.



  • Louis_Verdonck
    edited December 2017

    You can find the differences easily in the Structure panel (STRUCTUREPANEL command) select the Default.cst configuration (use the small down-arrow button to load a different configuration). Differences are listed in the Comparison node (missing, modified Original and Comparend, and New), expand the node, select a difference, right click, and choose Zoom in the context menu.
    The command was not yet documented in the Help of the current release, but it will be in the next update.

  • Thanks!
    Now I feel like the STRUCTUREPANEL palette should appear when you are running DWG Compare.

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