Sections and Plans Export

edited January 2018 in BricsCAD BIM

Hello everybody,
I am trying to figure it out how to efficently export plans and sections from my BIM model and to make the export in the "Sheet Sets" palette under "Sheet Cration" I am using the standard "Sheet-metric.dwt" file (units: meters). The goal would be to be able to use the exported file and to reduce as much as possible the cleaning work.
The following points are for me still unclear:

  • when I export my drawings the new file is in mm, why is that if the dwt file is set to meters? Also my BIM File is set to meters.
    ++++I already solved this by deleting the exported files and let the export create ne ones.

  • the plans are oranized in blocks which are scaled to 0.001 with the sections callouts being huge. It would be nice to have them in a scale that would make sense compared to the drawings. The block units is set to Meters while the Unit factor is 1000. Both parameters are locked.
    ++++ I already solved this by deleting the exported files and let the export create ne ones.

  • Alternatively, is there a way to create a single file for every floor?

  • is there a way to have control over the distance between the different plans? Right now the distance between blocks is 2556.13, it would be nice to have that at least at clean multiples of, lets say 250m. So if a drawing is small enough the distance between plans would be 250m they would collide than the distance would be 500m and so on.

  • not everything should have hatches. For instance I dont need the frame of the doors, the door flight, glass,... to have Hatches. Is there a way to prevent to create hatches for certain objects? I have tried to create a Material "No_Hatch" in the Door block, this Material has a Air ply with no hatch. This way when I export the door will be under the layer "Air". The workaround would be to create a material with the name "Door" or two with "Door" and "Frame". It seems a bit tricky, is there a cleaner way to do that?

  • In Autocad I have heard there is a "Translate" command which merge selected layers into specific ones so that the layers would be organized in a simpler way. Untill now I didn't found a way to do that with BricsCad. I have tried the Sofoco-Tools but I guess they didnt updated it to work with V18. For instance I would like to have the layer "Kons__03_Beton_tragend" to be just "Kons_03". How do you guys do that without renaming/merging layers manually?

PS: In the attached files I only create the right materials for the walls between the apartments and those inside. The facade and stairs are not yet with the correct materials. The red marked door is the one with the "No_Hatch" composition while the others are still standard ones.

For now those are my main concerns/questions. I am now trying to find a solutions for those but without BIM experience in general I might have missed some steps.
Thankyou for your help.


  • Hans De Backer
    edited January 2018

    Alternatively, is there a way to create a single file for every floor?

    'Destination file' is one of the properties of a Section Entity.
    just replace the default Destination file name with your preferred name.

    The default name used for a certain section type can be set in _SectionSettings.dwg which contains the section templates used for each section type.
    The file is located in the \Bim\Sections sub-folder of your supportfolder, typically the path to it will be something like
    FYI: the SupportFolder command will open Windows Explorer showing the contents of your supportfolder.

    is there a way to have control over the distance between the different plans? Right now the distance between blocks is 2556.13, it would be nice to have that at least at clean multiples of, lets say 250m. So if a drawing is small enough the distance between plans would be 250m they would collide than the distance would be 500m and so on.

    When multiple sections generate their output to the same target drawing, the result blocks are placed next to each other with some default margin inbetween so they don't overlap. Same goes for the according viewports created in the paper space Layout.
    Feel free to drag these viewports to the desired location on the layout: they will remain at that location when subsequent updates are generated.

  • Is it possible to direct the resulting section to a specific layout in the destination file? All the drawings end up on the same sheet, whre they might not fit. I recently tried moving them to a different sheet which caused trouble with the sections link to the original file (i assume the object id changes when changing the viewport from one layout to another?). Is there a way to manually relink this (or script it?).

  • It's currently not supported to move the results. The target layout is controlled by the sheet set, so if you change the template layout in the sheet set, future bimsections from that project will generate to the new layout. If you didn't work on the 2D file yet, you could delete it, modify the sheet set template, and regenerate the bimsection.

    We're working on a more flexible way to manage section results on sheets.

  • Thanks for clarifying. Great to hear it's already on the list :)
  • Thankyou for the explainations, what about the Hatch and Translate topics? Any inputs?

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