German Help File - it needs help
Was the German Helpfile checked by a someone who understood one of the basic features of this language: The concatenation of nouns?
Reading the doc causes bad headache:
"Schnitt Ebene" instead of "Schnittebene"
"orthographisch" instead of "orthogonal"
"Schnitt Ebenen Objektes"..
"Zeichnungs Explorer" instead of "Zeichnungsexplorer"
"Live Schnitt Einstellungen"
Please help the help file ..
I tested the German Localization a while ago and also noticed
many translation problems - in the Settings Dialog.
(And Tools/Menus ?)
These were mostly technical terms where we use different or
special own terms, instead of a 1:1 translation english>german.Don't find an Example in help file,
maybe they alreade worked on it0 -
For technical descriptions I think that is ok.
At least if it is about combining more than 2 nouns.
I think Koordinatenreferenzsystem doesn't make
it any better readable or easier to understand.I see it like independent names or terms.
0 -
"Die Bundes Regierung will nach den Koalitions Verhandlungen Steuer Erleichterungen für Fabrik Arbeiter und Haus Frauen durchsetzen, aber Diesel Fahr Zeuge verbieten."
Na ja - mal schauen....