Select similar

Can anyone tell me how I would go about selecting a similar 3D solid such as a fitting on a component.

For example I have a truss that has various fittings and I select 1 of them and then the selectsimilar command and all solids are highlighted. I would like just the fittings that are the same to be highlighted.

I have looked at the settings and there are no unique filters such as volume, surface area etc. to tick.



  • I don't see much control either by Select Similar and Selection Filtering.
    (And I think it is quite tedious to use)

    I'm sure there are other hidden options or ways to to this (by scripting ?)
    that I don't know.
    But I think to do it with the options given in the UI, you need to "tag" and
    organize your objects with the given common 2D separation options like
    Color or Line Thickness to make them distinguishable.

  • You might have more luck using the qselect command, selectsimilar will get you items of the same geometry type, or same layer, color etc. but for the properties that you mention then qselect would probably be more suitable as you can then do things like select all solids with a volume equal too 'x', or a volume greater than 'y'

  • Found this. It is excellent. You can filter using volume and area thus enabling all the same solids to be grouped.

  • I hate to sound like the poo head party pooper. The correct answer is: use blocks. If you have a fitting in your model that occurs more than 5 times it really should be a block. Bit late no I know...

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