Exporting Shape files



  • I see them, behind Shape official ....

  • Here's what I see - is yours different?

  • Sorry, didn't read your post and thought you see no Shape Beta ....
    I have exactly the same,
    (beside I activated all 3 OSs)
    only Shape offered for Beta notification.

  • Recently we had to make some changes regarding beta access, there's still a couple of things we need to correct.
    You will be able to manage all those subscriptions yourself if you have the right kind of access, for BricsCAD and Shape alike.

  • Michael Mayer
    edited January 2019

    Thanks Ignace.

    What I would like is a notification for ANY new official or Beta if applicable,
    (even Sub) Release of Bricscad or Shape.
    I nearly missed the latest Bricscad v19 BIM version,
    while filing SR's that may be already obsolete.

    And it would be nice if Shape would be added to our user account's
    Download Section. To be able to check versions currently available for all
    Apps and OSs at the same place.
    Thanks that the user account has at least a Bricscad Home Icon now to
    start searching for Shape.
    I still miss such an Icon/Link to Bricscad's Homepage from this Forum.
    When I hear about a new Versions here, I have to type URLs or search my

    And as I can't remember the release numbers for all Apps and OSs, I always
    need to open the App or watch the release notes if the release date is
    an indication that I could really have still an older version.
    In doubt, I download again, just in case, to notice later I was already current.

    Of course,
    an Auto Update Checking System from Bricscad or Shape with each start,
    that will notify users (only) if there is an Update available,
    which is able to download and start an update directly
    (and only needs to download those files that have really changed)
    would be even better.

  • "as I can't remember the release numbers for all Apps and OSs, I always need to open the App or watch the release notes"
    Do you not save your downloads in C:\Downloads? - look there to see your version.

  • No, in Downloads Folder - until I installed.
    Then I will clean up and move them to my Data Disk.
    But basically it is Shape + BC times Windows, macOS and
    in the wort case 3 Editions of Linux.
    Switching through my Software Folder's subfolder hierarchy
    isn't that funny either.
    In the worst case it wasn't even the latest version I downloaded
    because I was in deadlines and a hurry.

    And when I hear of 1 new release I usually gor through all
    Bricsys Download places, in case other OS had new versions too :)

  • Blimey - life on the cutting edge!