new v19 BIMDRAG ? (Boundary Selection)

I realized that in v19,
Quad often (or always) doesn't provide BIMDRAG - when I am hovering a Boudary.

It seems a bit like that previous functionality :
BIMDRAG a Room's outer Wall's Boundary - to automatically create a Copy of that
Wall (instead of just moving) - for creating a new Interior Wall inside the Room ....

has been replaced by a use of standard "Face" Selection Mode ?
Is Face Selection Mode the new Boundary,
or is it just time to re-start Bricscad ?

The reason why I came to alternatively trying explicitely Boundary at all,
is problem #2.

My Outer Walls have Mitered Connections.
(Which was mandatory, to keep them 2-way connected, when relocating)
When I now drag the Outer Walls Face in, it will automatically create a Wall Copy (fine)
but will drag it in with their old Miters overlapping the side Walls.
Which would need another Boolean Action to get rid of.

Are "Mitered Connections" out or legacy in v19 times too ?


  • Michael Mayer
    edited February 2019

    I am confused.
    When I use a Qick Draw(n) Object - with a Slab,
    I'll get a Copy.
    (But in a way that the Slab gets a hole/doesn't fit anymore)

    When I have Polysolids, without any Slab,
    I won't get any Copy at all, it will only drag Walls.

    No more Copy-Option with new "keep/destroy Connections"
    CTRL-Option Panel ?

  • Michael Mayer
    edited February 2019

    Sorry, seems again like just a total disastrous user error.

    We have a BIMCOPY Tool now !
    Which seems to do exactly what I want.
    (In an easy and reliable fashion)

    Great !

  • Thanks Michael ! And sorry for the confusion, because we did introduce a big change with bimdrag in V19:

    • BIMDRAG always moves a solid, maintaining connections with other solids
    • BIMCOPY always creates copies, either based on a face or a boundary
    • Mitered connections are not legacy, they are still recommended to get good results with compositions on 2D plans. However, non-mitered connections are now supported 2 ways in bimdrag.
  • ^ Makes all sense !

    • Mitered connections are not legacy, they are still recommended to get good results with compositions on 2D plans. However, non-mitered connections are now supported 2 ways in bimdrag.

    Uh, that works great now !