Transfering BricsCAD v14 on Windows 7 to a new computer with Windows 10.

I am sure this has been covered in the past, but after searching back a few years, and several page, plus searching the knowedgebase, I came up empty handed.

I have a new computer, and have already installed my BricsCAD v14, transferred the license, and then hoped to just over-wright the BricsCAD v14 directory with the one from the old computer. I also copied and activated the user profile. The file structure is exactly the same as before. I have set BricsCAD to run with full permission (run as administrator doesn't see to be an option on Windows 10.

However, my approach does not seem to work. Right now BricsCAD opens with no menu, or any tool bars.



  • I also had not much luck converting my Microstatio
    Settings from Win7 to Win10..

    I think lots of settings paths changed or got more
    in Win10. It worked only partly. i did the rest from scratch.

    I assume you may now have a lot of paths in your settings
    pointing in the wrong direction.

    In the past I did win7-Win10 upgrade and had an Administrator
    account that included my settings. win 10 locked me out and
    I was not able to even access the old files.
    As it was a VM and I kept a backup I could reach the files
    but copying these over to the new account did not completely

  • I eventually realized that the path changed, because my user name on the new computer was different. So, I change the user name, and now I have a lot more that came across, and all the paths are good.

    However, the keyboard shortcuts are not there. E.g. the letter "L" used to start a line, but now I must type more of the command to start a line. Also, trying to create them by using the "command alias" tab (I am not sure that is the right place to do it) results in an error saying "Unable to open program parameters file: default.pgp"


  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited May 2019

    Standard location of the PGP file:

  • I eventually learned that the main thing I have been fighting all along is that Windows 10 has hidden security "features" that got in the way. Specifically, when copying files over a local network, if you are going to put the files in a protected directory, you are prompted to provide permission. But, then it acts like it is copying them, while not copying them at all. There is no notice that the files were not copied.
