Grabowski's V19 book

Has anyone successfully downloaded the V19 book from -

When I try, I fill in all the requested information and then get 2 flashed up messages of Processing and Thank You, but no book.


  • No problems here.
    Filled in the info, Checked the acceptance box.
    DL was instantaneous.

  • Robt:

    I just tried again using a different browser (Firefox) with the same result.

    I'm on Ubuntu Linux usually using Chrome as a browser.

    What Operating System are you using?

  • Also just tried on Android using Chrome. No book!

  • @RoatanBill said:
    I'm on Ubuntu Linux usually using Chrome as a browser.

    What Operating System are you using?

    Windows 7 Pro

  • Please email: rose.barfield [@] and I'll send you a copy.

  • I was finally able to download a copy last night. I tried numerous times during the day on Chrome and Firefox under Linux and Chrome under Android and all failed.

    The mode of failure is what attracted my attention. Usually a download will show some progress. Every download attempt showed no indication it had ever started.

    I eventually started a packet sniffer and discovered that a download was in progress on one occasion but there was no indication whatsoever on my Linux workstation.

    I suspected that the downloads were interrupted somehow during the day and I interpreted that as no download occurring up to the point the packet sniffer convinced me otherwise.

    I'm on an island in the Caribbean and Internet access is slow and expensive. I waited for Internet traffic to slow down generally and was finally able to get a copy.

    I would suggest that whatever method the link initiates that it be tested in a Linux environment and changed to allow some form of progress indicator and ultimate failure should that occur. In my case on Ubuntu 18.04 there is absolutely no progress indicator or message of failure.